Small Python utility to compare and visualize the output of various stereo reconstruction algorithms:
- Make it easy to get a qualitative evaluation of several state-of-the-art models in the wild
- Feed it left/right images or capture live from an OAK-D camera
- Interactive colored point-cloud view since nice-looking disparity images can be misleading
- Try different parameters on the same image
Supported methods (implementation/pre-trained models taken from their respective authors):
- OpenCV stereo block matching and Semi-global block matching baselines, with all their parameters
- CREStereo: Practical Stereo Matching via Cascaded Recurrent Network with Adaptive Correlation (CVPR 2022)
- RAFT-Stereo: "Multilevel Recurrent Field Transforms for Stereo Matching." (3DV 2021)
- Hitnet: "Hierarchical Iterative Tile Refinement Network for Real-time Stereo Matching." (CVPR 2021)
- Chang et al. RealtimeStereo: "Attention-Aware Feature Aggregation for Real-time Stereo Matching on Edge Devices" (ACCV 2020)
See below for more details / credits to get each of these working.
python3 -m pip install stereodemo
To capture data directly from an OAK-D camera, use:
stereodemo --oak
Then click on Next Image
to capture a new one.
For convenience a tiny subset of some popular datasets is included in this repository. Just provide a folder to stereodemo
and it'll look for left/right pairs (either im0/im1 or left/right in the names):
# To evaluate on the oak-d images
stereodemo datasets/oak-d
# To cycle through all images
stereodemo datasets
Then click on Next Image
to cycle through the images.
Sample images included in this repository:
- drivingstereo: outdoor driving.
- middlebury_2014: high-res objects.
- eth3d: outdoor and indoor scenes.
- sceneflow: synthetic rendering of objects.
- oak-d: indoor images I captured with my OAK-D lite camera.
will install the dependencies automatically. Here is the list:
- Open3D. For the point cloud visualization and the GUI.
- OpenCV. For image loading and the traditional block matching baselines.
- onnxruntime. To run pretrained models in the ONNX format.
- pytorch. To run pretrained models exported as torch script.
- depthai. Optional, to grab images from a Luxonis OAK camera.
I did not implement any of these myself, but just collected pre-trained models or converted them to torch script / ONNX.
- Official implementation and pre-trained models:
- Model Zoo for the ONNX models:
- Port to ONNX + sample loading code:
- Official implementation and pre-trained models:
- I exported the pytorch implementation to torch script via tracing, with minor modifications of the source code.
- Their fastest implementation was not imported.
- Official implementation and pre-trained models:
- Model Zoo for the ONNX models:
- Port to ONNX + sample loading code:
Chang et al. RealtimeStereo
- Official implementation and pre-trained models:
- I exported the pytorch implementation to torch script via tracing with some minor changes to the code JiaRenChang/RealtimeStereo#15 . See
The code of steredemo is MIT licensed, but the pre-trained models are subject to the license of their respective implementation.
The sample images have the license of their respective source, except for datasets/oak-d which is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.