A PHP-FPM image based on Alpine Linux, designed for simplicity and performance:
- Customizable PHP and PHP-FPM configurations.
- Features functionalities like healthcheck and a modular environment...
A minimalistic Alpine Linux container designed to be performant and easily adaptable for various use cases:
- Optimized image size to ensure a minimal footprint.
- Used as a reliable base for other containers.
A project aimed at simplifying the setup and deployment of Symfony applications using Docker:
- Preconfigured environment with Symfony 7.x, optimized for development and production.
- Seamlessly integrates API Platform for extensible API-driven applications.
A project aimed at creating a modern, flexible, and modular educational platform:
- Developed with Symfony 7.x and API Platform to ensure an extensible architecture.
- Dynamic features allowing the addition of activities such as quizzes, lessons, videos, and much more.
I’d love to connect or collaborate on exciting projects. Feel free to reach out via:
- Email: d@mztrix.me
- LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-pelletier-ulrich-16b7b428b
Thank you for visiting my page! Take a look at my repositories and feel free to share your questions or ideas.