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Add support to save onnx graph with external initializers file. (micr…
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Add functionality to the Graph class to be dumped to protobuf using an external binary file for the float initializers.

This change is meant to avoid hitting the 2GB protobuf limit when dumping large graphs.
This limit was particularly easy to exceed when dumping graphs after auto-diff.
The use of the external file is limited to initializers larger than a user-specified threshold.
This gives the possibility to users to include in the onnx file shape constants used by Reshape and Transpose used by Shape Inference.
alberto-magni authored Mar 12, 2021
1 parent 12b5ab3 commit 0315878
Showing 7 changed files with 256 additions and 0 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions include/onnxruntime/core/graph/graph.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -941,6 +941,15 @@ class Graph {
const ONNX_NAMESPACE::GraphProto& ToGraphProto();
ONNX_NAMESPACE::GraphProto ToGraphProto() const;

/** Gets the GraphProto representation of this Graph
@params external_file_name name of the binary file to use for initializers
@param initializer_size_threshold initializers larger or equal to this threshold (in bytes) are saved
in the external file. Initializer smaller than this threshold are included in the onnx file.
@returns GraphProto serialization of the graph.
ONNX_NAMESPACE::GraphProto ToGraphProtoWithExternalInitializers(const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold) const;

/** Gets the ISchemaRegistry instances being used with this Graph. */
IOnnxRuntimeOpSchemaCollectionPtr GetSchemaRegistry() const;

60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions onnxruntime/core/graph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3030,6 +3030,66 @@ ONNX_NAMESPACE::GraphProto Graph::ToGraphProto() const {
return result;

ONNX_NAMESPACE::GraphProto Graph::ToGraphProtoWithExternalInitializers(const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold) const {
GraphProto result;
const auto& model_path = ModelPath();

std::ofstream external_stream(external_file_name, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
int64_t external_offset = 0;

// Add the initializers to the result graph.
const auto sparse_end = sparse_tensor_names_.end();
for (const auto& initializer : graph_proto_->initializer()) {
if (sparse_end != sparse_tensor_names_.find( {
// Sparse tensors are added to the ONNX file.
auto& sparse_initializer = *result.add_sparse_initializer();
auto status = utils::DenseTensorToSparseTensorProto(initializer, model_path, sparse_initializer);
ORT_ENFORCE(status.IsOK(), "Failed to convert dense initializer to sparse");
} else {
// Dense tensors larger than the threshold are added to the external file.
TensorProto* output_proto = result.add_initializer();

size_t tensor_bytes_size = 0;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> raw_data;
ORT_THROW_IF_ERROR(utils::UnpackInitializerData(initializer, Path(), raw_data, tensor_bytes_size));

if (tensor_bytes_size < initializer_size_threshold) {
*output_proto = initializer;

for (size_t index = 0; index != tensor_bytes_size; ++index) {
external_stream << raw_data[index];

ONNX_NAMESPACE::StringStringEntryProto* location = output_proto->add_external_data();
ONNX_NAMESPACE::StringStringEntryProto* offset = output_proto->add_external_data();
ONNX_NAMESPACE::StringStringEntryProto* length = output_proto->add_external_data();

for (int i = 0; i != initializer.dims_size(); ++i) {

external_offset += tensor_bytes_size;

return result;

void Graph::ToGraphProtoInternal(ONNX_NAMESPACE::GraphProto& graph_proto) const {
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions onnxruntime/core/graph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -271,6 +271,15 @@ ModelProto Model::ToProto() {
return result;

ModelProto Model::ToGraphProtoWithExternalInitializers(const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold) {
ModelProto result(model_proto_);
const auto& graph = *graph_;
*(result.mutable_graph()) = graph.ToGraphProtoWithExternalInitializers(external_file_name,
return result;

Status Model::Load(std::istream& model_istream, ModelProto* p_model_proto) {
if (!model_istream.good()) {
return Status(ONNXRUNTIME, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid istream object.");
@@ -445,6 +454,32 @@ Status Model::Save(Model& model, const std::wstring& file_path) {

template <typename T>
static Status SaveModelWithExternalInitializers(Model& model,
const T& file_path,
const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold) {
int fd = 0;
Status status = Env::Default().FileOpenWr(file_path, fd);

status = Model::SaveWithExternalInitializers(model, fd, external_file_name,
ORT_CATCH(const std::exception& ex) {
status = Status(ONNXRUNTIME, FAIL, ex.what());
if (!status.IsOK()) {
return status;
return Env::Default().FileClose(fd);

Status Model::Load(const PathString& file_path,
ONNX_NAMESPACE::ModelProto& model_proto) {
return LoadModel(file_path, model_proto);
@@ -462,6 +497,12 @@ Status Model::Save(Model& model, const std::string& file_path) {
return SaveModel(model, file_path);

Status Model::SaveWithExternalInitializers(Model& model, const PathString& file_path,
const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold) {
return SaveModelWithExternalInitializers(model, file_path, external_file_name, initializer_size_threshold);

Status Model::LoadFromBytes(int count, void* p_bytes, /*out*/ ONNX_NAMESPACE::ModelProto& model_proto) {
const bool result = model_proto.ParseFromArray(p_bytes, count);
if (!result) {
@@ -569,6 +610,25 @@ Status Model::Save(Model& model, int p_fd) {
return Status(ONNXRUNTIME, INVALID_PROTOBUF, "Protobuf serialization failed.");

Status Model::SaveWithExternalInitializers(Model& model,
int fd,
const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold) {
if (fd < 0) {
return Status(ONNXRUNTIME, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "<fd> is less than 0.");


auto model_proto = model.ToGraphProtoWithExternalInitializers(external_file_name, initializer_size_threshold);
google::protobuf::io::FileOutputStream output(fd);
const bool result = model_proto.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&output) && output.Flush();
if (result) {
return Status::OK();
return Status(ONNXRUNTIME, INVALID_PROTOBUF, "Protobuf serialization failed.");

common::Status Model::SaveToOrtFormat(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder& builder,
flatbuffers::Offset<fbs::Model>& fbs_model) const {
auto producer_name = experimental::utils::SaveStringToOrtFormat(
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions onnxruntime/core/graph/model.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -165,13 +165,39 @@ class Model {
// Get model's serialization proto data.
ONNX_NAMESPACE::ModelProto ToProto();

// Get model's serialization proto data.
// Save initializer larger than the given threshold (in bytes) into an external binary file
// with the given name. This function is useful to avoid hitting the size limit of protobuf files.
ONNX_NAMESPACE::ModelProto ToGraphProtoWithExternalInitializers(const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold);

#ifdef _WIN32
static common::Status Save(Model& model, const std::wstring& file_path);
static common::Status Save(Model& model, const std::string& file_path);

static common::Status Save(Model& model, int fd);

// Save the model to file using an external file for initializers larger than the given threshold (in bytes).
// Notice that when on Windows the external_file_name is a plain string.
// This is because the string is saved inside the output protobuf as a plain string, where wchar is not supported.
#ifdef _WIN32
static common::Status SaveWithExternalInitializers(Model& model,
const std::wstring& file_path,
const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold);
static common::Status SaveWithExternalInitializers(Model& model,
const std::string& file_path,
const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold);

static common::Status SaveWithExternalInitializers(Model& model,
int fd,
const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold);

static common::Status Load(std::istream& model_istream, ONNX_NAMESPACE::ModelProto* p_model_proto);

static common::Status Load(const PathString& file_path,
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.

#include "core/framework/data_types.h"
#include "core/graph/model.h"
#include "core/framework/tensorprotoutils.h"
#include "test/test_environment.h"
#include "test_utils.h"
#include "test/util/include/asserts.h"

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

using namespace ONNX_NAMESPACE;
using namespace onnxruntime;

namespace onnxruntime {
namespace test {

void LoadSaveAndCompareModel(const std::string& input_onnx,
const std::string& output_onnx,
const std::string& external_init_file,
size_t initializer_size_threshold) {
std::shared_ptr<Model> model;
ASSERT_STATUS_OK(Model::Load(ToPathString(input_onnx), model, nullptr, DefaultLoggingManager().DefaultLogger()));
ASSERT_STATUS_OK(Model::SaveWithExternalInitializers(*model, ToPathString(output_onnx), external_init_file, initializer_size_threshold));

std::shared_ptr<Model> model_from_external;
ASSERT_STATUS_OK(Model::Load(ToPathString(output_onnx), model_from_external, nullptr, DefaultLoggingManager().DefaultLogger()));

Graph& graph = model->MainGraph();
// Perform shape inference on the graph, if this succeeds then it means that we could correctly read the
// integer initializers used by reshape and transpose.
Graph& graph_from_external = model_from_external->MainGraph();

InitializedTensorSet initializers = graph.GetAllInitializedTensors();
InitializedTensorSet initializers_from_external = graph_from_external.GetAllInitializedTensors();

ASSERT_EQ(initializers.size(), initializers_from_external.size());

// Compare the initializers of the two versions.
for (auto i : initializers) {
const std::string kInitName = i.first;
const ONNX_NAMESPACE::TensorProto* tensor_proto = i.second;
const ONNX_NAMESPACE::TensorProto* from_external_tensor_proto = initializers_from_external[kInitName];

size_t tensor_proto_size = 0;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> tensor_proto_data;
ORT_THROW_IF_ERROR(utils::UnpackInitializerData(*tensor_proto, Path(), tensor_proto_data, tensor_proto_size));

size_t from_external_tensor_proto_size = 0;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> from_external_tensor_proto_data;
ORT_THROW_IF_ERROR(utils::UnpackInitializerData(*from_external_tensor_proto, Path(), from_external_tensor_proto_data, from_external_tensor_proto_size));

if (from_external_tensor_proto_size < initializer_size_threshold) {
// 'Small' tensors should be embedded in the onnx file.
EXPECT_EQ(from_external_tensor_proto->data_location(), ONNX_NAMESPACE::TensorProto_DataLocation::TensorProto_DataLocation_DEFAULT);
} else {
// 'Large' tensors should be added to the external binary file.
EXPECT_EQ(from_external_tensor_proto->data_location(), ONNX_NAMESPACE::TensorProto_DataLocation::TensorProto_DataLocation_EXTERNAL);

ASSERT_EQ(tensor_proto_size, from_external_tensor_proto_size);
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(tensor_proto_data.get(), from_external_tensor_proto_data.get(), tensor_proto_size), 0);
// Cleanup.
ASSERT_EQ(std::remove(output_onnx.c_str()), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(std::remove(external_init_file.c_str()), 0);

TEST(SaveWithExternalInitializers, Mnist) {
LoadSaveAndCompareModel("testdata/mnist.onnx", "testdata/mnist_with_external_initializers.onnx", "mnist_external_initializers.bin", 100);

} // namespace test
} // namespace onnxruntime
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions orttraining/orttraining/core/session/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1002,6 +1002,16 @@ static Status UpdateWeightsBeforeSaving(
return Status::OK();

Status TrainingSession::SaveWithExternalInitializers(const PathString& model_uri,
const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold) {
// Delete the old files before saving.

return Model::SaveWithExternalInitializers(*model_, model_uri, external_file_name, initializer_size_threshold);

Status TrainingSession::Save(const PathString& model_uri, TrainingSession::SaveOption opt) {
// Delete the old file before saving.
std::remove(ToMBString(model_uri).c_str()); // TODO would be good to have something like RemoveFile(PathString)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions orttraining/orttraining/core/session/training_session.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -337,6 +337,19 @@ class TrainingSession : public InferenceSession {
common::Status Save(const PathString& model_uri, SaveOption opt);

/** Save the model using an external file for initializers larger than the threshold (in bytes).
This function is useful to avoid hitting the size limit for protobufs when using large models, in
particular after auto-diff.
@param model_uri the path for the new model.
@param external_file_uri the name for the external initializers file. This is a plain string because
it needs to be saved into the onnx protobuf, where wchar is not supported.
@param initializer_size_threshold initializers larger or equal to this threshold (in bytes) are saved
in the external file. Initializer smaller than this threshold are included in the onnx file.
common::Status SaveWithExternalInitializers(const PathString& model_uri,
const std::string& external_file_name,
size_t initializer_size_threshold);

/** Update the session initializers with passed-in state tensors
* @param state_tensors A map of state tensors to set, usually loaded from a checkpoint.
* @param strict Whether entries in state_tensors which are unknown or not present in the model are treated as an error or ignored.

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