NeoDC, 2017.
License: Respect and dont steal.
This tool will enable you to take a 32x32 image and then transform it into a suitable format to use on a VMU
Little to no error checking is done, no safety is implied. NeoDC is not responsible for anything that happens with this.
Requirements: Webserver+PHP (min i guess, thats what i use) access to files, upload functionality isnt present at this time Web Browser
How to use: STEP 1 - Create the ICONDATA.VMS browse to color_extract.php (working title)
- Ignore errors most likely
- Configure the page: with arguments POST/GET
- img=king.png (the image to work from, must be 32x32)
- invert=1/0 (should the B&W icon be inverted) OPTIONAL
- threshold=0-FF (threshold for visible pixel in B&W image) OPTIONAL
- Ex: color_extract.php?img=flower.png&threshold=55&invert=1
The page will show you:
- The palette it generated (up to 16 colors)
- The B&W icon it generated
- Your original image
Congrats! ICONDATA.VMS has now been created!
- Verify the create image with vms_icondata.php
- This will read your newly created file and display how the dreamcast will
STEP 2 - Create a valid ICONDATA.VMI file (for vmu tools, planetweb browser, etc...) browser to vmi_format.php (working title)
- Page will be blank (its ok!)
- use commands to get stuff done
- Commands:
- cmd=NONE (nothing)
- cmd=createVMI (write .VMI with optional parameters)
- desc=Game_Save (the description for the file, up to 32 characters) OPTIONAL
- cpy=NeoDC (copyright holder, up to 32 characters) OPTIONAL
- name=SONIC (filename to write)
- Ex: vmi_format.php?cmd=writeVMI_ICON&desc=TESTING&cpy=VIETNAM&name=SONIC
- cmd=writeVMI_ICON (write ICONDATA.VMI with optional parameters)
- desc=Game_Save (the description for the file, up to 32 characters) OPTIONAL
- cpy=NeoDC (copyright holder, up to 32 characters) OPTIONAL
- Ex: vmi_format.php?cmd=writeVMI_ICON&desc=TESTING&cpy=VIETNAM
- cmd=readVMI (read and display information about a .VMI)
- name=SONIC (filename to read, becomes [NAME].VMI)
- Ex: vmi_format.php?cmd=readVMI&name=SONIC
CONGRATS! You are now able to use your .VMI and .VMS whereever you would like