This is an ansible script to deploy kubernetes on bare-metal servers. Kubernetes will be installed using kubeadm tool. This means that all kubernetes services will be running in docker containers. This installation includes support for corporate proxys.
- This was tested on nodes running CentOS 7.x and Ubuntu 16.04.
- Nodes networking should be configured.
- The nodes can be accessed with the same SSH key.
- Ansible 2.3.
The following should be run on a jumpbox:
git clone
cd kube-inst
Copy the example files for update
cp hosts.example hosts
cp ansible.cfg.example ansible.cfg
cp groupvars/all.example groupvars/all
cp groupvars/3par.example groupvars/3par
- ./hosts: change ip and host names
- ./ansible.cfg: change path to ssh_key to connect to all hosts
- ./groupvars/all: adapt all variables to the environment
- ./groupvars/3par: add information about 3par connections
ansible-playbook -i hosts deploy.yml
The networking plugin can be specified in the ./groupvars/all
- Flannel
- Weave
- Calico (needs testing)
The addons can be enabled or disabled individually in the ./groupvars/all
- Grafana, Heapster and InfluxDB
- Helm
- Dashboard
- Demo app
- Federation control plane
- Traefik ingress