In this page you will find various options for engaging with OpenEBS User and Contributor Community.
We are always looking for new contributions. is a great place to start.
If you have a question about OpenEBS or have a problem using it, please check the troubleshooting guide. If that does not answer your questions, or if you think you found a bug, please file an issue.
Slack: Join OpenEBS community on Kubernetes Slack.
- Already signed up?
- Head to our user discussions at #openebs
- Head to our contributor discussions at #openebs-dev
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Forum: Subscribe to our email lists:
Twitter: Follow us @openebs.
Blog: Check out our Blog on OpenEBS, Container Attached Storage, DevOps, Cloud Native Data Management.
To add any of the following events to your calendar, please send an email to
- Bi-weekly (Every 2 weeks on Tuesday 7 PM IST) contributors meeting over Google hangout. The agenda items and previous discussions can be found here.
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