An application that allows you to order food from a specific restaurant, evaluate the restaurant, refuse, and receive food and allows the user to apply for a job for the restaurant if the restaurant is requesting jobs, and allows restaurant owners to submit their products to him with some other options such as adding, editing, and deleting products and receiving requests from customers in addition to Admin Dashboard by : APi - Laravel - Mysql Spatie - Adminlte - Js - Ajax - Bootstrap
- Integrate Web applications with database.
- Build Api
- Use AdminLte Package
- Use Spatie laravel for control roles
- Integrate application with Front Pages
- Integrate Ecommerce
Make sure you apache server working and create an empty database and name it sofra.
Upload (sql database\sofra.sql ) file to database.
- Open apache and mysql server
- change ( .env.example file ) if exists To ( .env )
- Open .env file and change DB_DATABASE=laravel To DB_DATABASE=sofra
- php artisan key:generate
- composer update
- start with Command and type
php artisan serve
- Login as Buyer :
- if you don't have an account press to button 'تسجيل'
- If you have an account, you'll be redircted to home page, wrong username and password will keep you in the same page and show error .
- Login as Vendor :
- if you don't have an account press to button 'تسجيل'
- If you have an account, you'll be redircted to resturant page, wrong username and password will keep you in the same page and show error .
- Login as admin
- url : /admin or /admin/login , this will redirect to admin login page
Email is :
and password is :kero2020
- url : /admin or /admin/login , this will redirect to admin login page
Email is :
- php - phpMyAdmin - Xamp
- laravel - Api - AdminLte package - SpatieLaravel Package
- mySql
product and review page
create order page New Orders for resturant Page Order details Page resturant Pageadmin page