A Ruby library for declaring, composing and executing GraphQL queries
A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation
Versioned database functions and triggers for Rails
Find out and have your say about what's being built and knocked down in your area.
Extract information about the dependencies being updated by a Dependabot-generated PR.
Generate Mermaid ERD from your Ruby on Rails application.
Split a big test file into multiple chunks and run them in parallel
Web browser app for Scratch 3.0 and Bluetooth devices
A collection of Dev Container Features managed by Dev Container spec maintainers. See to publish your own
Repository for pre-built dev container images published under
RGL is a framework for graph data structures and algorithms in Ruby.
Outputs a source level execution trace of a Ruby program.
Resolve a partially qualified Ruby constant reference to the fully qualified name and the path of the file defining it.
NOTE: Most of the contents of this repository have been migrated to the new devcontainers GitHub org ( See and ht…
If you're new to DDD and not sure where to start, this process will guide you step-by-step
Demo Rails app using Im to isolate Rails application constants under a single toplevel namespace
A gem to collect statistics about modularization progress in a Rails application using packwerk
A collection of extensions for packwerk packages.
New Relic Node.js agent code base. Developers are welcome to create pull requests here, please see our contributing guidelines. For New Relic technical support, please go to http://support.newrelic…
Chrome extension that automatically opens Zoom, Google Meet, Teams, and other meeting URLs associated with your Google Calendar shortly before the meeting starts.
A list of awesome resources for Playdate ( game development and the Playdate SDK (
A fully featured React components library
SimpleCov formatter to generate a lcov style