Max works as Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat, currently as part of the Quarkus team focusing on Developer joy.
Developer joy plays a central part of Max’s 15+ years of experience as a professional open-source contributor. Max worked on Hibernate/Hibernate Tools, WildFly, Seam, and Ceylon. Max led the team behind JBoss Tools and Developer Studio until starting work on Quarkus.
Quarkus being a Kubernetes native stack keeps Max busy ensuring developers still experience joy deploying Quarkus applications to Kubernetes platforms like OpenShift.
Max has a keen interest in moving the Java ecosystem forward and making it more accessible. To that end he created JBang a tool to bring back developer joy to Java and works closely with teams defining and exploring making native image for Java a reality using GraalVM/Mandrel, Leyden and Quarkus.
Max also co-hosts the weekly video podcast called Quarkus Insights and he can be found on twitter as @maxandersen
- Dynamic github readme with jbang and quarkus (2021-08-27)
Today Red Hat has its quarterly learning day and I’m using it to finish up loose ends in some JBang experiments I had laying around….
- jbang everywhere! (2020-03-23)
Earlier this year I posted about a small utility called jbang. A utilitiy that lets you get started working with java with zero friction and just run your code as-is….
- Unleashing the scripting powers of Java (2020-01-14)
I made a "thing" over this holiday break - a small utility called jbang that you can use to run single file java files with built-in dependency fetching….