Currently when adding type_fusion to a test suite of a gem, no samples are captured for the gem under test, as the sampler only selects any files that are in the gem_path
I guess this is so that only gems that are released to rubygems are sampled, but running the test suite of a gem itself seems like a nice way to collect type info, rather that needing an application or script as a sort of harness to exercise the gem in.
I managed to sample a gem via running its test suite, by simply modifying the test helper to require the released and installed gem, rather than including the local lib/
However while messing around trying to get the sampling to work I seem to have also sent samples for the test classes themselves, sorry about that. See .. would it be possible to reject any samples for code that is defined in files that are not in the actual build/released gem?
This gem is a very neat idea!