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Syntax check framework for vim which checks syntax on the fly asynchronously.



You should have a relatively new version of vim which supports such features: job, timers and lambda.

Your vim should be compiled with python or python3.

Validator relies on external syntax checkers, so you need to install the checkers fit for the files you are editting.

Builtin Checkers

  • c/c++, clang-tidy
  • python, flake8
  • cython, cython
  • css, csslint
  • javascript, jshint, eslint, jscs
  • ruby, mri, rubocop
  • json, jsonlint
  • lua, luac, luacheck
  • sh, sh, shellcheck
  • rst, rst2pseudoxml
  • vim, vint, vimlparser
  • go, gofmt, golint, gometalinter


Select checkers for a file type:

let g:validator_{filetype}_checkers = ['<checker_name>']

" for example, choose eslint to check javascript:
let g:validator_javascript_checkers = ['eslint']

To customize error message:

let g:validator_error_msg_format = "[ ● %d/%d issues ]"

To auto open quickfix window:

let g:validator_auto_open_quickfix = 1

To handle file type alias:

let g:validator_filetype_map = {'<alias>': '<filetype_supported>'}

" for example
let g:validator_filetype_map = {"python.django": "python"}

Ignore file types:

let g:validator_ignore = ['<filetype>']

To customize the signs colors, you can use the following groups:

" For syntax errors & warnings

" For style errors & warnings
" (By default, use the same colors as the 2 groups above)

To show permanently the sign column and prevent annonying behavior when the sign column appear and then it disappears.


let g:validator_permament_sign = 1

To specify the checker executable path or pass checker arguments manually:

" If not specified `<args_name>` is `<filetype>_<checker>`.
let g:validator_<args_name>_args = '<args>'
" If not specified `<binary_name>` is `<filetype>_<checker>`.
let g:validator_<binary_name>_binary = '/path/to/executable'

" For c/c++
let g:validator_clang_tidy_binary = '/path/to/executable'

" For flake8
let g:validator_python_flake8_args = '--max-line-length=120'
let g:validator_python_flake8_binary = '/Users/maralla/.dotfiles/virtualenvs/py27/bin/flake8'

" For rubocop
let g:validator_ruby_rubocop_args = '-f s -c .rubocop.yml'
let g:validator_ruby_rubocop_binary = '/Users/maralla/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/bin/rubocop'


$ pack install maralla/validator.vim
Plug 'maralla/validator.vim'


Validator.vim automatically checks syntax in the background when file content changes, so no need to do any trigger manually. If you do want to do a check manually use this command ValidatorCheck. This command is especially useful when you set the file type manually.


Enable the debugging with:

let g:validator_debug = 1

The output is logged in plugin installation directory:

e.g. /path/to/validator.vim/pythonx/validator.log


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