by Parth Mistry
- A full fleged application to provide details of movies and its cast along with the trailers.
- Used industrial approaches to make the user interface of the application responsible for all devices.
- Applied modern flutter practices like bloc and hive to control state and data throughout the application.
- Getting help from the TMDB API for all the movie details.
- Made use of packages like
for efficient memory management. - CI/CD is implemented using Github Actions.
Flutter Version: 2.3.0-24.1.pre - beta
Dart Version: 2.14.0
Packages Used: cached_network_image
, dartz
, equatable
, flare_flutter
, flutter_bloc
, flutter_svg
, get_it
, hive
, http
, wiredash
, youtube_player_flutter
- This is an application built on flutter which uses an api to fetch data and show it on the screen.
- The application uses popular flutter bloc approach along with get-it dependency injection to optimize the objects created during runtime.
- Implemented a wiredash support for a proper feedback of the user.
- This application will also provide trailers of the specific movies.
- A TMDB account will be required to access the application.
- The code structure is similar to the structure provided in the VeryGoodVentures CLI.
- This application also supports internationalization where it has two languages inbuilt i.e English and Spanish.
- User can also search any movie using the search feature.
Thanks to TechieBlossom:
Parth Mistry © 2021