Automatically generate Ladle stories from existing React components, extracting Props definitions and default values, and automatically creating controls from types.
Usage: npx ladlescoop [options] <file>
-o, --overwrite overwrite existing file
--dryrun Don't write to file(s)
--stdout Print all output to stdout rather than filesysytem
--propsformat <value> Custom props naming format (default: "{Component}Props")
--wrap <value> Custom DOM wrapping: 'div(className="foo"|id="bar"),MockProvider(mocks=[])'
-h, --help display help for command
Takes a single TypeScript file (*.ts, *.tsx). Story files are written based on component name, not input file; so a Foo.tsx
containing function Bar
and function Baz
will write Bar.stories.tsx
and Baz.stories.tsx
To run:
npm i
ts-node index.ts ./src/components/ExampleInput.tsx
npm test
npm test -- -u # update snapshots
- stdin support
- satisfies operator on args/argTypes
- Recursive type imports and composable types
- Look for props destructuring within render function
- More unit test coverage
- Not planning to add custom code formatting; BYO linter/formatter.