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PullMyBeard - Drag'n Drop

Sample Description.

This sample application illustrates how to set up a very basic touch interaction. 
This is illustrated by moving an image in response to a touch event, and 
animating it back to position when the touch ends.

You will learn how to:
- Move an image by touch (simple drag and drop)
- Trigger animations


BlackBerry 10 Native SDK

Running the example:

1. From the Sample apps page, download and extract one of the sample applications.
2. Launch BlackBerry 10 Native SDK, and from the File menu, select Import.
3. Expand General, and select Existing Projects into Workspace. Click Next.
4. Browse to the location where you extracted the sample file, and then click OK.
5. The sample project should display in the Projects section. 
   Click Finish to import the project into your workspace.
6. In the Project Explorer pane, Right-click the project (for example hellocascades) 
   and select Build Project.
7. In the Project Explorer pane, Right-click the project (for example hellocascades) 
   and select Run As > BlackBerry C/C++ Application.
8. The application will now install and launch on your device. If it doesent you might
   have to set up your environment: