A module used to filter the vibration of mechanical button contacts. After changing the state of the input NoisySignal_i
, the module waits the time specified by the parameter . If the input state is stable during this time, then the output state FilteredSignal_o
Debouncer #(
) Debouncer_inst(
- CLOCK_HZ - Clock signal frequency [Hz].
- PERIOD_US - Period of strobe signals [us].
- Clock - Clock signal, active rising edge.
- Reset - Asynchronous reset, active low.
- NoisySignal_i - Not filtered signal directly from a button or other mechanical switch.
- FilteredSignal_o - Filtered signal without glitches.
- RisingEdge_o - A high state means that a rising edge has been detected in the signal under test.
- FallingEdge_o - A high state means that a falling edge has been detected in the signal under test.
VCD info: dumpfile debouncer.vcd opened for output.
===== START =====
CLOCK_HZ = 10000000
DELAY = 99
====== END ======
debouncer_tb.v:53: $finish called at 210200 (1ns)