Read only memory. This module can be used to store permanent information, such as the code of a program executed by the processor, for example.
ROM #(
) ROM_inst(
- ADDRESS_WIDTH - Number of address bus bits. Determines the size of the memory. The memory size is equal to 2^ADDRESS_WIDTH.
- DATA_WIDTH - Number of data bus bits. Most common values are 8, 16 and 32.
- MEMORY_DEPTH - Number of words in the memory array.
- MEMORY_FILE - A file with the contents of the memory to be loaded as soon as the device starts up.
- Clock - Clock signal, active rising edge.
- Reset - Asynchronous reset, active low.
- ReadEnable_i - If 1 then on the next clock edge the requested data is ready.
- Address_i[ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] - Address of the byte requested to be read on the next clock edge.
- Data_o[DATA_WIDTH-1:0] - Value of the requested byte.
VCD info: dumpfile rom.vcd opened for output.
===== START =====
Memory[ 0] = 0f
Memory[ 1] = 1e
Memory[ 2] = 2d
Memory[ 3] = 3c
Memory[ 4] = 4b
Memory[ 5] = 5a
Memory[ 6] = 69
Memory[ 7] = 78
Memory[ 8] = 87
Memory[ 9] = 96
Memory[ 10] = a5
Memory[ 11] = b4
Memory[ 12] = c3
Memory[ 13] = d2
Memory[ 14] = e1
Memory[ 15] = f0
===== END =====
rom_tb.v:70: $finish called at 400 (1ns)