Simple UART receiver. Supports the most common configuration, that is, 8-bit data transmission with one stop bit and no parity bit.
The UART input should be routed to the Rx_i
port. The module has a synchronizer that synchronizes the input signal with the clock domain. After recognizing the falling edge of the Rx_i
signal, the module starts its clock and samples the input every specified time intervals, resulting from the desired baud rate, specified by the BAUD
parameter. When transmission is complete, the Done_o
output is set high for one clock cycle, and the last byte received byte is available on Data_o
UartRx #(
) UartRx_Inst(
- CLOCK_HZ - Clock signal frequency [Hz].
- BAUD - Bits per second.
- Clock - Clock signal, active rising edge.
- Reset - Asynchronous reset, active low.
- Rx_i - UART receiver input, can be connected directly to the FPGA's GPIO.
- Done_o - A single high pulse signals the end of the operation. New data can be read from
. - Data_o[7:0] - Last received byte.
Example of sending and receiving of two bytes at 100000 baud.
VCD info: dumpfile uart_rx.vcd opened for output.
===== START =====
Ticks per half bit = 5
100.000us Transmitting byte: ab «
190.000us Received byte: ab «
200.000us Transmitting byte: cd Í
290.000us Received byte: cd Í
====== END ======
uart_rx_tb.v:93: $finish called at 400000 (1ns)