helm show values weave-gitops --repo https://helm.gitops.weave.works > values.yaml
flux create source helm ww-gitops --url=https://helm.gitops.weave.works --export > source.yaml
gitops create dashboard ww-gitops --password=${PASSWORD} --export > release.yaml
create a gpg key pair see generate.sh script in ./gpg-key/generate-key.sh
After generation, you will have a public and private key stored in gpg
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pbdXAd-F44&t=1057
get the value of your public key and store in git get the value of your private key and store that in your flux-system namespace secret configure flux to use the key to decrypt secrets
sops --encrypt
--encrypted-regex '^^(data|stringData)$'
flux create source git podinfo
--export > ./apps/base/podinfo/source.yaml