Web interface for recognizing text, proofreading OCR, and creating fully-digitized documents.
Hedy is a gradual programming language to teach children programming. Gradual languages use different language levels, where each level adds new concepts and syntactic complexity. At the end of the…
Alternative (and improved) Home Connect integration for Home Assistant
Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications using Java/Scala
Ruby library for communication with Balboa Water Group's WiFi module or RS-485
🙈 Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.
Makefile for Arduino sketches. It defines the workflows for compiling code, flashing it to Arduino and even communicating through Serial.
Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
Trello-Backup is a simple script that Backups all your boards and cards, one JSON file per board, for total peace of mind. This is a simple php script which uses the API to se…
Collection of quotes on notation design & how it affects thought.
Firmware for the UK black Sky router SR102 - BCM63168
A barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written in 100% Java.
kw217 / Arduino
Forked from arduino/Arduinoopen-source electronics prototyping platform