Karma hangs if CoffeeScript preprocessor finds an error #752
The whole test run hangs when there are any syntactic error in my coffeescript test. Here is the log output:
DEBUG [plugin]: Loading plugin karma-jasmine.
DEBUG [plugin]: Loading plugin karma-chrome-launcher.
DEBUG [plugin]: Loading plugin karma-remote-reporter.
DEBUG [plugin]: Loading plugin karma-coffee-preprocessor.
DEBUG [plugin]: Loading inlined plugin (defining ).
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.10.2 server started at http://localhost:9876/
DEBUG [preprocessor.coffee]: Processing "/home/user/work/project/web-app/js/app.coffee".
DEBUG [preprocessor.coffee]: Processing "/home/user/work/project/web-app/js/filters.coffee".
DEBUG [preprocessor.coffee]: Processing "/home/user/work/project/test/javascript/unit/filtersSpec.coffee".
ERROR [preprocessor.coffee]: unmatched )
at /home/user/work/project/test/javascript/unit/filtersSpec.coffee