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Remove wrapped balance checks (#779)
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jmininger authored Sep 3, 2022
1 parent bfd6ce7 commit 36a8e45
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Showing 2 changed files with 17 additions and 90 deletions.
16 changes: 0 additions & 16 deletions common/src/Common/Wallet.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ module Common.Wallet
, lenientLookup
-- * Balance checks
, wrapWithBalanceChecks
, parseWrappedBalanceChecks
, getDetailsCode
, accountDetailsObject
, accountDetailsObjectWithHash
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -560,21 +559,6 @@ lenientLookup o t = pure $ case HM.lookup t o of
compileCode :: Text -> Either String [Term Name]
compileCode = first show . compileExps def mkEmptyInfo <=< parseExprs

-- | Parse the balance checking object into a map of account balance changes and
-- the result from the inner code
parseWrappedBalanceChecks :: PactValue -> Either Text (Map AccountName (Maybe AccountBalance), PactValue)
parseWrappedBalanceChecks = first ("parseWrappedBalanceChecks: " <>) . \case
(PObject (ObjectMap obj)) -> do
let lookupErr k = case Map.lookup (FieldKey k) obj of
Nothing -> Left $ "Missing key '" <> k <> "' in map: " <> renderCompactText (ObjectMap obj)
Just v -> pure v
f = (^? _AccountStatus_Exists . accountDetails_balance)
before <- (fmap . fmap) f . parseAccountDetails =<< lookupErr "before"
result <- parseResults =<< lookupErr "results"
after <- (fmap . fmap) f . parseAccountDetails =<< lookupErr "after"
pure (Map.unionWith (liftA2 subtract) before after, result)
v -> Left $ "Unexpected PactValue (expected object): " <> renderCompactText v

-- Should Pact even have amounts that don't have a decimal place? It's possible to
-- receive amounts that are 'LDecimal 10' that will cause a transaction to fail if used in
-- conjunction with 'Max' etc.
Expand Down
91 changes: 17 additions & 74 deletions frontend/src/Frontend/UI/DeploymentSettings.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.These (These(This))
import Data.These
import Data.Traversable (for, sequence)
import Kadena.SigningApi
import Pact.Compile (compileExps, mkTextInfo)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1134,25 +1134,17 @@ uiDeployPreview model settings signers gasLimit ttl code lastPublicMeta capabili
mkBuildCmd code0 = buildCmd nonce networkId publicMeta signingPairs
extraSigners code0 jsondata publicKeyCapabilities

eCmds <- performEvent $ ffor (current dIsChainWebNode <@ pb) $ \onChainweb -> do
c <- mkBuildCmd code
wc <-
if onChainweb then
Just <$> for (wrapWithBalanceChecks (Set.singleton sender) code) mkBuildCmd
pure Nothing
pure (c, wc)

eCmd <- performEvent $ mkBuildCmd code <$ pb
void $ runWithReplace
(text "Preparing transaction preview...")
( uiPreviewResponses
<$> current (model ^. network_selectedNetwork)
<*> current (model ^. wallet_accounts)
<*> current dIsChainWebNode
<@> eCmds
<@> eCmd
uiPreviewResponses networkName accountData isChainwebNode (cmd, mWrappedCmd) = do
uiPreviewResponses networkName accountData isChainwebNode cmd = do
pb <- getPostBuild

for_ resultError $ \err -> do
Expand All @@ -1176,76 +1168,27 @@ uiDeployPreview model settings signers gasLimit ttl code lastPublicMeta capabili
_ <- divClass "group segment" $ mkLabeledClsInput True "Account" $ \_ -> do
uiAccountFixed sender

let accountsToTrack = getAccounts networkName accountData
localReq =
if isChainwebNode then
case mWrappedCmd of
Nothing -> []
Just (Left _e) -> []
Just (Right cmd0) -> pure $ NetworkRequest
{ _networkRequest_cmd = cmd0
, _networkRequest_chainRef = ChainRef Nothing chainId
, _networkRequest_endpoint = Endpoint_Local
pure $ NetworkRequest
{ _networkRequest_cmd = cmd
, _networkRequest_chainRef = ChainRef Nothing chainId
, _networkRequest_endpoint = Endpoint_Local

parseChainwebWrapped =
if isChainwebNode then
-- Non-chainweb nodes won't have the expected contracts to utilise wrapped
-- balance checks, so we don't know what structure to expect here.
-- Kuro returns a (PLiteral (LString ...))
-- Chainweb returns a (PObject ...)
\pv -> Right (fmap (const Nothing) accountsToTrack, pv)

responses <- performLocalRead (model ^. logger) (model ^. network) $ localReq <$ pb
let localReq =
{ _networkRequest_cmd = cmd
, _networkRequest_chainRef = ChainRef Nothing chainId
, _networkRequest_endpoint = Endpoint_Local

responses <- performLocalRead (model ^. logger) (model ^. network) $ [localReq] <$ pb
(errors, resp) <- fmap fanThese $ performEvent $ ffor responses $ \case
[(_, errorResult)] -> parseNetworkErrorResult
(model ^. logger)
[(networkReq, errorResult)] -> pure $ case errorResult of
That (_gas, pactValue) -> That $ renderCompactText pactValue
This e -> This $ prettyPrintNetworkErrors e
These errs (_gas, pactValue) -> These (prettyPrintNetworkErrors errs) $ renderCompactText pactValue
n -> do
putLog model LevelWarn $ "Expected 1 response, but got " <> tshow (length n)
pure $ This "Couldn't get a response from the node"

dialogSectionHeading mempty "Anticipated Transaction Impact"
divClass "group segment" $ do
let tableAttrs = "style" =: "table-layout: fixed; width: 100%" <> "class" =: "table"
elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
el "thead" $ el "tr" $ do
let th = elClass "th" "table__heading" . text
th "Account Name"
th "Public Key"
th "Change in Balance"
accountBalances <- flip Map.traverseWithKey accountsToTrack $ \acc pks -> do
bal <- holdDyn Nothing $ leftmost
[ Just Nothing <$ errors
, Just . join . Map.lookup acc . fst <$> resp
pure (pks, bal)
el "tbody" $ void $ flip Map.traverseWithKey accountBalances $ \acc (pks, balance) -> el "tr" $ do
let displayBalance = \case
Nothing -> "Loading..."
Just Nothing -> "Error"
Just (Just b) -> tshow (unAccountBalance b) <> " KDA"

wrapEllipsis =
elClass "div" "preview-acc-key" . text

el "td" $ wrapEllipsis $ unAccountName acc
el "td" $ for_ pks $ \pk -> divClass "wallet__key" $ wrapEllipsis $ keyToText pk
el "td" $ dynText $ displayBalance <$> balance

dialogSectionHeading mempty "Raw Response"
void $ divClass "group segment transaction_details__raw-response"
$ runWithReplace (text "Loading...") $ leftmost
[ text . renderCompactText . snd <$> resp
[ text <$> resp
, text <$> errors

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