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Non-repeated and non-duplicated combinations from groups with varying sizes that contain overlaps #50



Is it possible to achieve the results below using either comboGeneral or comboGroups? (I'm not sure which one is the right function based on the few attempts I've made so far). I would like the end result to have no repetitions and duplications from any of the sets. Using expand.grid is too slow as I have to manually adjust for repetitions and duplications and I would also like to take advantage of the FUN argument in your library to do some other things to the result. Thank you for this great library!

  set1 <- c("Paul G","Mike B","Steph D","Ron B","Ryan R")
  set2 <- c("Ron B","Ryan R","Matt B","Joe D")
  set3 <- c("Ryan R","Steven Z","Dennis D","Mike A")
  set4 <- c("Mike A","Steven Z","Luka E","Francis B","Tom A")
  set5 <- c("Ross U","Bobby A","Max Z","Flori A")
  all_combos <- expand.grid(set1, set1, set2, set2, set3, set3, set4, set4, set5)
  all_combos <- all_combos[1:25000,]
  all_combos <- all_combos[!duplicated(t(apply(all_combos, 1, sort))), ]
  all_combos$dups <- apply(all_combos, 1, function(i) any(duplicated(i[!])))
  all_combos <- all_combos[all_combos$dups==FALSE,][,-c(10)]

>   all_combos[1:2,]
        Var1   Var2   Var3  Var4     Var5   Var6     Var7   Var8   Var9
7252  Mike B Paul G Matt B Ron B Dennis D Ryan R Steven Z Mike A Ross U
7253 Steph D Paul G Matt B Ron B Dennis D Ryan R Steven Z Mike A Ross U



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