Repository for the Series 08 | Intro to Scientific Computing in Julia YouTube Playlist.
- [08x01] Intro to Scientific Computing in Julia (no code)
- [08x02] Julia Performance Tips and Tools | How to use @time, @profile, @profview, @profview_allocs
- [08x03] Intro to Julia Multi-Threading | How to use the Threads.@threads macro
- [08x04] Intro to Julia Multi-Processing (It's not the same as Multi-Threading!)
- [08x05] Julia Image Processing (Mandelbrot Set) on CPU and GPU using Images.jl, CUDA.jl and Pluto
- [08x06] Calculus using Julia Automatic Differentiation | ForwardDiff.jl, ReverseDiff.jl and Pluto
- [08x07] Calculus using Julia Numerical Integration | QuadGK.jl, ForwardDiff.jl and Pluto
- [08x08] Graph Theory in Julia using Graphs.jl, GraphRecipes.jl, SimpleWeightedGraphs.jl and VS Code
- [08x09] Symbolic Computation in Julia using Symbolics.jl, SymbolicNumericIntegration.jl and Pluto
- [08x10] Intro to Probabilistic Programming in Julia using Turing.jl and Pluto
- [08x11] What is Probabilistic Programming? (same code as [08x10])
- [08x12] Intro to SciML
- [08x13] Real-Time Fluid Dynamics Simulation in Julia using Waterlily.jl, GLMakie.jl and VS Code