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jmagoon committed Apr 5, 2017
1 parent 49f9cdf commit e8da24d
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Showing 5 changed files with 520 additions and 0 deletions.
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions .config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
# : initialize git in target directory?

# With this "on", every time you yank in vim it will be immediately available in
# the system clipboard, as if you did '"+y'.
# I admit, it sounds like a terrific idea, I was all to tired to '"+yy' and
# stuff. But since I turned this on, I was having a different kind of problem.
# Before the switch I'd copy something from a web page, and then do e.g.
# 'cib<Apple>V' to replace content of a block with whatever I copied. Now it no
# longer works. As soon as you 'cib' the content of the block replaces your
# clipboard content, so you end up pasting it all back, duh! :)
# And to add insult to the injury, whatever you copied is not on the yank ring history.
# So... I'm still trying to make use of this as I'm all to tired of '"+y', but I
# decided to make this configurable, as not everyone might want to invest the time
# to rewire muscle memory ;)
# : "merge" vim and system clipboards?

# What plugin to use to visualize indentation level:
# Valid options:
# 1: guides - Indent-Guides
# 2: lines - Yggdroot/indentLine
# 3: - - none
# : indentation plugin?

# : install NerdTree(and tools) and NerdCommenter?

# : Install NerdTree?

# A plugin of NERDTree showing git status flags.
# : install nerdtree-git-plugin plugin?

# : Install NerdTreeTabs?

# switch.vim is a simple Vim plugin to switch segments of text with predefined replacements.
# e.g. switch 'foo' with "foo" with :foo etc
# : Install switch.vim?

# > Note: if YouCompleteMe installation fails, try to running it manually with "make completion"
# : use text & code completion with YouCompleteMe?

# : complete code snippets?

# unite.vim plug-in can search and display information from arbitrary sources
# like files, buffers, recently used files or registers. You can run several
# pre-defined actions on a target displayed in the unite window.
# Using this plugin we can implement many of the functionalities usually provided
# by in other ways. e.g. we can use unite.vim to choose buffers, files, yank
# history, etc
# : configure unite.vim?

# CtrlP
# Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder with an intuitive interface.
# Written in pure Vimscript for MacVim, gVim and Vim version 7.0+. Has full
# support for Vim's |regexp| as search pattern, built-in MRU files monitoring,
# project's root finder, and more.
# : install ctrlP?

# Fzf
# A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go + vim configuration.
# : use fzf?

# What plugin to use for fuzzy file search?:
# Note: this only affect which of the options will be bound to '<leader>,'
# Valid options:
# 1: fzf - use ':Files' from FZF
# 2: unite - use ':Unite file_rec/async:!'
# 3: ctrlp - use ':CtrlP'
# : files search with?

# What plugin to use for fuzzy buffer switching?:
# Note: this only affect which of the options will be bound to '<leader>b'
# Valid options:
# 1: unite - use ":Unite buffer"
# 2: ctrlp - use ":CtrlPBuff"
# 3: fzf - use FZF ":Buffers"
# : buffer search with?

# Search for an entry in the current quickfix errors and jump to it.
# We can use several plugins for it:
# Note: 'osyo-manga/unite-quickfix' plugin will be installed if you choose 'unite' option.
# Valid options:
# 1: unite - use ':Unite quickfix'
# 2: ctrlp - use ':CtrlPQuickfix'
# : quickfix search with?

# Search through the lines in all loaded buffers
# Valid options:
# 1: fzf - use ":Lines" from FZF
# 2: ctrlp - use ":CtrlPLine"
# : lines search with?

# Tag search
# Valid options:
# 1: fzf - use ":Tags" from FZF
# 2: unite - use ":Unite tags"
# 3: ctrlp - use ":CtrlPTags"
# : tags search with?

# YankRing is better IMHO, but you might prefer a unified interface ;)
# Valid options:
# 1: yankring - use dedicated yankring plgin
# 2: unite - use ":Unite history/yank"
# : yank history search with?

# : Plugins for developers?

# Vim plugin, provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc.
# : Install delimitmate?

# : Syntax and Filetypes (languages) support

# : Dockerfile support?

# : Elixir support?

# : Elm support?

# : Go support?

# Hi-speed HTML editing.
# emmet-vim is a vim plug-in which provides support for expanding abbreviations similar to emmet.
# See
# : Use emmet-vim?

# : Javascript support?

# : Coffeescript support?

# VIM 'concealing' feature allows hiding stretches of text, based on syntax
# highlighting. It also allows replacing a stretch of text by a character.
# If you answer 'yes', we will replace 'function' with 'ƒ', 'NaN' with "ℕ", etc.
# You can see the complete configuration in
# plugins/60-lang/plugins/javascript/plugins/conceal/files/vimrc.plugins
# : Configure 'concealing' for javascript

# : JSON support?

# I don't like vim conceal feature when applied to json files.
# Strings loose quotes around them, and it's a bit confusing when you try to edit them.
# : disable conceal for json?

# : Markdown support?

# : Raml support?

# : Ruby support?

# : HAML support?

# : Ruby on Rails support?

# : Rust support?

# : tmux config file support?

# : TypeScript support?

62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions colors/buttercream.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@

" plugins/80-color-themes/files -------------------

" Vim color file
" vim: tw=0 ts=8 sw=4
" Scriptname: buttercream
" Maintainer: Håkan Wikström <>
" Version: 1.1
" Last Change: 20060413
" As of now only gui is supported
" Based on the theme fog theme by Thomas R. Kimpton <>

set background=light
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "buttercream"

" Highlight Foreground Background Extras

hi Normal guifg=#213a58 guibg=#ffffde
hi NonText guifg=LightBlue guibg=#eee9bf gui=bold
hi Comment guifg=#2f8e99
hi Constant guifg=#7070a0
hi Statement guifg=DarkGreen gui=bold
hi identifier guifg=DarkGreen
hi preproc guifg=#408040
hi type guifg=DarkBlue
hi label guifg=#c06000
hi operator guifg=DarkGreen gui=bold
hi StorageClass guifg=#a02060 gui=bold
hi Number guifg=Blue
hi Special guifg=#aa8822
hi Cursor guifg=LightGrey guibg=#880088
hi lCursor guifg=Black guibg=Cyan
hi ErrorMsg guifg=White guibg=DarkRed
hi DiffText guibg=DarkRed gui=bold
hi Directory guifg=DarkGrey gui=underline
hi LineNr guifg=#ccaa22
hi MoreMsg guifg=SeaGreen gui=bold
hi Question guifg=DarkGreen gui=bold
hi Search guifg=Black guibg=#887722
hi SpecialKey guifg=Blue
hi SpecialChar guifg=DarkGrey gui=bold
hi Title guifg=DarkMagenta gui=underline
hi WarningMsg guifg=DarkBlue guibg=#9999cc
hi WildMenu guifg=Black guibg=Yellow gui=underline
hi Folded guifg=DarkBlue guibg=LightGrey
hi FoldColumn guifg=DarkBLue guibg=Grey
hi DiffAdd guibg=DarkBlue
hi DiffChange guibg=DarkMagenta
hi DiffDelete guifg=Blue guibg=DarkCyan gui=bold
hi Ignore guifg=grey90
hi IncSearch gui=reverse
hi ModeMsg gui=bold
hi StatusLine gui=reverse,bold
hi StatusLineNC gui=reverse
hi VertSplit gui=reverse
hi Visual guifg=LightGrey gui=reverse
hi VisualNOS gui=underline,bold
hi Todo guibg=#ccaa22 gui=bold,underline

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