Here you will find various samples, tutorials, and reference implementations for using ONNX Runtime. For a list of available dockerfiles and published images to help with getting started, see this page.
Inference only
- Basic Model Inferencing (single node Sigmoid) on CPU
- Model Inferencing (Resnet50) on CPU
- Model Inferencing on CPU using ONNX-Ecosystem Docker image
- Model Inferencing on CPU using ONNX Runtime Server (SSD Single Shot MultiBox Detector)
- Model Inferencing using NUPHAR Execution Provider
Inference with model conversion
Inference and deploy through AzureML
Inferencing on CPU using ONNX Model Zoo models:
Inferencing on CPU with model conversion step for existing models:
Inferencing on CPU with PyTorch model training:
For aditional information on training in AzureML, please see AzureML Training Notebooks
Inferencing on GPU with TensorRT Execution Provider (AKS)
Inference and Deploy wtih Azure IoT Edge
This section contains several samples that demonstrate how to use onnxruntime Node.js binding.
Basic Usage - a demonstration of basic usage of ONNX Runtime Node.js binding.
Create Tensor - a demonstration of basic usage of creating tensors.
- Create InferenceSession - shows how to create
in different ways.
In each sample's implementation subdirectory, run
npm install
node ./