A set of scripts to make OpenVPN administration on Linux a bit easier.
- Create new keys
- Revoke keys
- Package the key into a useful ZIP file, including a Linux and Windows configuration file.
- Repackage existing keys into ZIP files.
- Report on active and revoked keys
- Make script so that it can be called from system path
- Initialise a new OpenVPN server from scratch
- Re-initialise an OpenVPN server, backing up old config and keys.
- Currently have bugs in the template server config file, which needs to be addressed for newer versions of OpenVPN and clients.
- Add extra cert checks
- Make it possible to run this on *BSD
- Do something more useful with the client-config-dir feature (routes, static IP allocations, etc.)
- A platform supported by OpenVPN and BASH
- A recent version of easy-rsa