i18n: Plugin does not work with jekyll-multiple-languages-pluginΒ #373
Been knee deep with a i18n project, and this plugin does not work well with page title tags (maybe other elements too, haven't investigated.)
The jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin
[1] works by changing the title frontmatter to refer to separate language files placed in i18n/language-name/posts/blog.md
where the actual translated text lives. As such:
title: posts.blog.title
subtitle: posts.blog.subtitle
{% tf posts/blog.md %}
The end result is translated files, but bad seo, as titles are being outputted as a literal posts.blog.title
Now I am willing to look into this plugin and figure out how to do it and then do a PR, but I am not the most well-versed in Ruby. Any pointers or help would be highly appreciated.