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#Spectacle ReactJS based Presentation Library

##Getting Started

Your first order of business is to open terminal and run npm install

Then, to start up the local server, run npm start

Open a browser and hit http://localhost:3000, and we are ready to roll

Build & Deploy

Building the dist version of the project is as easy as running npm run build

If you want to deploy the slideshow to surge, run npm run deploy


Spectacle comes with a built in presenter mode. It shows you a slide lookahead, current time and your current slide:

To present:

Note: Any windows/tabs in the same browser that are running Spectacle will sync to one another, even if you don't want to use presentation mode

Check it out:

You can toggle the presenter or overview mode by pressing respectively p and o.

PDF Export

Exporting a totally sweet looking PDF from your totally sweet looking Spectacle presentation is asburdly easy.

  • Run npm start
  • Hit http://localhost:3000/#/?export
  • Bring up the print dialog (ctrl or cmd + p)
  • Check "Background Graphics" to on if you are about that life
  • Change destination to "Save as PDF", as shown below:

If you want to print your slides, and want a printer friendly version, simply repeat the above process but instead print from http://localhost:3000/#/?export&print

Basic Concepts

Main file

Your presentation files & assets will live in the presentation folder.

The main .jsx file you write your deck in is /presentation/deck.jsx

// deck.jsx

import React from 'react/addons';
import {
  Appear, BlockQuote, Cite, CodePane, Code, Deck, Fill, Fit,
  Heading, Image, Layout, ListItem, List, Quote, S, Slide, Text
} from '../src/spectacle';

export default class extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (

Here is where you can use the library's tags to compose your presentation. While you can use any JSX syntax here, building your presentation with the supplied tags allows for theming to work properly.

The bare minimum you need to start is a Deck element and a Slide element. Each Slide element represents a slide inside of your slideshow.


In Spectacle, themes live in the themes directory. They consist of html.js and index.js.

index.js is what you would edit in order to create a custom theme of your own, using ReactJS style inline style objects.

var colors = {  // <--- Color variables used in the presentation
  primary: '#f9c300',
  secondary: 'black',
  tertiary: 'white'

var fonts = { // <--- Font variables used in the presentation
  primary: 'Open Sans Condensed',
  secondary: 'Lobster Two',
  tertiary: 'monospace'

module.exports = {
  colors: colors,
  fonts: fonts,
  global: { // <--- Global styles added to a <style> tag in the body
    body: {
      background: colors.primary,
      fontFamily: fonts.primary,
      fontWeight: 'normal',
      fontSize: '2em',
      color: colors.secondary
  components: { // <--- Component specific style declarations
    blockquote: {
      textAlign: 'left',
      position: 'relative',
      display: 'inline-block'

html.js is where you can define the HTML page that your presentation is rendered into. This allows you do to things like add stylesheets, libraries or webfonts for use in themes.

module.exports = function(data) {
  return {
    '200.html': data.defaultTemplate(),
    'index.html': [
      '<!doctype html>',
            '<meta charset="utf-8"/>',
            '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no"/>',
            '<link  href=",700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">',
            '<link  href=",700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">',
            '<link  href="" + data.css + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />', // <-- Don't remove this
            '<div id="root"></div>', // <-- or this
            '<script  src="" + data.main + '"></script>', // <-- or this


Presentation configuration live in /presentation/config.js. You can edit global configs here:

module.exports = {
  width: 1000, // <-- Max width of presentation area
  margin: 40, // <-- Presentation area side padding
  theme: require('../themes/default/index'), // <- Theme Styles
  html: require('../themes/default/html') // <- Theme HTML


In Spectacle, presentations are composed of a set of base tags. We can separate these into three categories: Main tags, Layout tags & Element tags.

Main Tags

####<Deck />

The deck tag is the top level tag and there should only be one of them. It supports the following props:

Name PropType Description
transition React.PropTypes.array Accepts slide, zoom, fade or spin, and can be combined. Sets global slide transitions. Note: If you use the 'scale' transition, fitted text won't work in Safari.
transitionDuration React.PropTypes.number Accepts integer value in milliseconds for global transition duration.
progress React.PropTypes.string Accepts pacman, bar, number or none.

####<Slide /> (Base)

The slide tag represents each slide in the presentation. Giving a slide tag an id attribute will replace its number based navigation hash with the id provided. It supports the following props, in addition to any of the props outlined in the Base class props listing:

Name PropType Description
align React.PropTypes.string Accepts a space delimited value for positioning interior content. The first value can be flex-start (left), center (middle), or flex-end (bottom). The second value can be flex-start (top) , center (middle), or flex-end (bottom). You would provide this prop like align="center middle", which is it's default.
transition React.PropTypes.array Accepts slide, zoom, fade or spin, and can be combined. Sets the slide transition. Note: If you use the 'scale' transition, fitted text won't work in Safari.
transitionDuration React.PropTypes.number Accepts integer value in milliseconds for slide transition duration.
notes React.PropTypes.string Text which will appear in the presenter mode. Can be HTML.
id React.PropTypes.string Used to create a string based hash.

###Layout Tags

Layout tags are used for layout using Flexbox within your slide. They are Layout, Fit & Fill.

####<Layout />

The layout tag is used to wrap Fit and Fill tags to provide a row.

####<Fit />

The fit tag only takes up as much space as its bounds provide.

####<Fill />

The fill tag takes up all the space available to it. For example, if you have a Fill tag next to a Fit tag, the Fill tag will take up the rest of the space. Adjacent Fill tags split the difference and form an equidistant grid.

Element Tags

The element tags are the bread and butter of your slide content. Most of these tags derive their props from the Base class, but the ones that have special options will have them listed:

####<Appear />

This tag does not extend from Base. It's special. Wrapping elements in the appear tag makes them appear/disappear in order in response to navigation.

####<BlockQuote />, <Quote/> and <Cite /> (Base)

These tags create a styled blockquote. Use them as follows:

	<Quote>Ken Wheeler is amazing</Quote>

####<CodePane />

This tag displays a styled, highlighted code preview. I prefer putting my code samples in external .example files and requiring them using raw-loader as shown in the demo. Here are the props:

Name PropType Description
lang React.PropTypes.string Highlight.js compatible language name. i.e: 'javascript'
source React.PropTypes.string String of code to be shown

####<Code />

A simple tag for wrapping inline text that you want lightly styled in a monospace font.

####<Heading /> (Base)

Heading tags are special in that, when you specify a size prop, they generate the appropriate heading tag, and extend themselves with a style that is defined in the theme file for that heading. Line height can be adjusted via a numeric lineHeight prop.

Name PropType Description
fit React.PropTypes.boolean When set to true, fits text to the slide's width. Note: If you use the 'scale' transition, this won't work in Safari.
lineHeight React.PropTypes.number Sets the line height of your text.

####<Image /> (Base)

Name PropType Description
display React.PropTypes.string Set the display style property of the image
height React.PropTypes.string or React.PropTypes.number Supply a height to the image
src React.PropTypes.string Image src
width React.PropTypes.string or React.PropTypes.number Supply a width to the image

####<Link /> (Base)

The link tag is used to render <a> tags. It accepts an href prop:

Name PropType Description
href React.PropTypes.string String of url for href attribute

####<List /> & <ListItem /> (Base)

These tags create lists. Use them as follows:

	<ListItem>Item 1</ListItem>
	<ListItem>Item 2</ListItem>
	<ListItem>Item 3</ListItem>
	<ListItem>Item 4</ListItem>

####<S />

The S tag is used to add inline styling to a piece of text, such as underline or strikethrough.

Name PropType Description
type React.PropTypes.string Accepts strikethrough, underline, bold or italic

####<Text/> (Base)

The Text tag is used to add text to your slide. Line height can be adjusted via a numeric lineHeight prop.

Name PropType Description
fit React.PropTypes.boolean When set to true, fits text to the slide's width. Note: If you use the 'scale' transition, this won't work in Safari.
lineHeight React.PropTypes.number Sets the line height of your text.

Base Props

Every component above that has (Base) after it has been extended from a common class that includes the following props:

Name PropType Description
italic React.PropTypes.boolean Set fontStyle to italic
bold React.PropTypes.boolean Set fontWeight to bold
caps React.PropTypes.boolean Set textTransform to uppercase
margin React.PropTypes.number or string Set margin value
padding React.PropTypes.number or string Set padding value
textColor React.PropTypes.string Set color value
textSize React.PropTypes.string Set fontSize value
textAlign React.PropTypes.string Set textAlign value
bgColor React.PropTypes.string Set backgroundColor value
bgImage React.PropTypes.string Set backgroundImage value
bgDarken React.PropTypes.number Float value from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying how much to darken the bgImage image


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