Hi developers of iPokeGo,
I want first of all thank you for your efforts bringing this app alive and well-maintained. It does mean a lot for me and my son! Thanks!
I hereby request a feature update of having an option to show IV % instead of the time left for all pokemons. As we play over the last 10 months or so, we have accumulated large number of candies (like everyone does) and do not need any (common) pokemons with lower IV range. It is great to see the time left but sometimes I wish to see the IVs instead of time. Would adding a toggle
toggle button like "Show IVs instead of Time" possible? This way the users easily jump from seeing the time left to knowing the IV % for all the pokemons on the map.
Also, I wish there are some kinds of options available to filter out some pokemons according to a set IV range; i.e. having an option to filter out any pokemons less than 50% or to be notified of any pokemons more than 90% (user-set ranges) - but with of course an "IV override" option for super-rare pokemons.
Thanks for your investments and service toward this amazing app!