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This repository should be used in conjunction with the IOL SSO Server Repository. It creates the UI and the logic to login to the different IOL Applications.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 12.2.10.


Things that have to be installed on your development environment.

Product Version Resources
Node.js ^14.x.x
Angular CLI ^12.x.x

Frameworks used

API Mocking

For development purposes, every API Endpoint is mocked. To enable the mocking API, add the following code to the provider section of the app.module.ts.

import {AbstractAuthApiService} from './api/abstract-auth-api.service';
import {AbstractRegisterApiService} from './api/abstract-register-api.service';
import {AbstractResetApiService} from './api/abstract-reset-api.service';

import {MockAuthApiService} from './api/mock-auth-api.service';
import {MockRegisterApiService} from './api/mock-register-api.service';
import {MockResetApiService} from './api/mock-reset-api.service';

providers: [
  // ...
  {provide: AbstractAuthApiService, useClass: MockAuthApiService},
  {provide: AbstractRegisterApiService, useClass: MockRegisterApiService},
  {provide: AbstractResetApiService, useClass: MockResetApiService},

To be complete, here are the live ApiServices:

import {AbstractAuthApiService} from './api/abstract-auth-api.service';
import {AbstractRegisterApiService} from './api/abstract-register-api.service';
import {AbstractResetApiService} from './api/abstract-reset-api.service';

import {AuthApiService} from './api/auth-api.service';
import {RegisterApiService} from './api/register-api.service';
import {ResetApiService} from './api/reset-api.service';

providers: [
  // ...
  {provide: AbstractAuthApiService, useClass: AuthApiService},
  {provide: AbstractRegisterApiService, useClass: RegisterApiService},
  {provide: AbstractResetApiService, useClass: ResetApiService},

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


The frontend consists of seven pages. The table below shows the available routes and their purpose.

Accessible Routes

Route LRID GSID Hash Referer Description
/request/:loginRequestId no no no no Init the Login flow for a specific Application
/login no / yes no no no Show the login form. If LRID is set, show Appiacation informations
/register no / yes no no no Show the register form.
/register/success no no no yes Register success page, referer has to be /register
/doi/verify/:hash no no yes no Show the DOI Button
/doi/success no no no yes DOI success page, referer has to be /doi/verify/*
/reset-password no / yes no no no Show the password reset form
/reset-password/success no no no yes Reset password success page, referer has to be /reset-password
/set-password/:hash no no yes no Show the password set form
/set-password/success no no no yes Set new password success Page, referer has to be /set-password
/continue yes yes no no Show information about the application and the currently logged in user. Display button to continue to the requested site.
/logout no yes no no Logs the current user out. (Removes the GSID)
Short Description
LRID Login Request ID
GSID Global Session Id
Hash Hash to reset the Users Password