A service for email delivery
- Subscriptions
- Scheduled publications
- HTML templates
- Checking whether an email was viewed
- Reports
Each user is represented by their ID, Email, Name, Surname and other meta information. Users are the targets which will receive the letters.
Topics are named sets of users
Source is the email address from which the emails are sent
Templates help build dynamic emails
Reports can contain some helpful information on the results of the email delivery
- Install Go and Docker Compose
ViewStat is a plugin that checks whether an email was viewed by a recipient.
How to set up?
- Get some Redis server (probably you can use a free plan on RedisLabs)
- Run
somewhere (Heroku?) - Provide the redis client information and a link to the viewstat server in config
- Fix config (provide correct database information)
- Install Go and Docker (Compose)
- Run
bash ./docker-boot.sh
Now you can interact with Yubin via a REST api (check out docs in internal/api/rest