There are many possible ways to implement CIDs. This package explores them.
There's a couple different criteria to consider:
- We want the best performance when operating on the type (getters, mostly);
- We want to minimize the number of memory allocations we need;
- We want types which can be used as map keys, because this is common.
The priority of these criteria is open to argument, but it's probably
mapkeys > minalloc > anythingelse.
(Mapkeys and minalloc are also quite entangled, since if we don't pick a
representation that can work natively as a map key, we'll end up needing
a KeyRepr()
method which gives us something that does work as a map key,
an that will almost certainly involve a malloc itself.)
There are quite a few different ways to go:
- Option A: CIDs as a struct; multihash as bytes.
- Option B: CIDs as a string.
- Option C: CIDs as an interface with multiple implementors.
- Option D: CIDs as a struct; multihash also as a struct or string.
- Option E: CIDs as a struct; content as strings plus offsets.
- Option F: CIDs as a struct wrapping only a string.
The current approach on the master branch is Option A.
Option D is distinctive from Option A because multihash as bytes transitively causes the CID struct to be non-comparible and thus not suitable for map keys as per . (It's also a bit more work to pursue Option D because it's just a bigger splash radius of change; but also, something we might also want to do soon, because we do also have these same map-key-usability concerns with multihash alone.)
Option E is distinctive from Option D because Option E would always maintain the binary format of the cid internally, and so could yield it again without malloc, while still potentially having faster access to components than Option B since it wouldn't need to re-parse varints to access later fields.
Option F is actually a varation of Option B; it's distinctive from the other
struct options because it is proposing literally struct{ x string }
the type, with no additional fields for components nor offsets.
Option C is the avoid-choices choice, but note that interfaces are not free; since "minimize mallocs" is one of our major goals, we cannot use interfaces whimsically.
Note there is no proposal for migrating to type Cid []bytes
, because that
is generally considered to be strictly inferior to type Cid string
Using interfaces as map keys pushes a bunch of type checking to runtime. E.g., it's totally valid at compile time to push a type which is non-comparable into a map key; it will panic at runtime instead of failing at compile-time.
There's also no way to define equality checks between implementors of the interface: golang will always use its innate concept of comparison for the concrete types. This means its effectively never safe to use two different concrete implementations of an interface in the same map; you may add elements which are semantically "equal" in your mind, and end up very confused later when both impls of the same "equal" object have been stored.
When using *Cid
, the nil value is a clear sentinel for 'invalid';
when using type Cid string
, the zero value is a clear sentinel;
when using type Cid struct
per Option A or D... the only valid check is
for a nil multihash field, since version=0 and codec=0 are both valid values.
When using type Cid struct{string}
per Option F, zero is a clear sentinel.
We already covered this in the criteria section, but for clarity:
- Option A: ❌
- Option B: ✔
- Option C: ~ (caveats, and depends on concrete impl)
- Option D: ✔
- Option E: ✔
- Option F: ✔
Since CID (and multihash!) are defined using varints, they require parsing; we can't just jump into the string at a known offset in order to yield e.g. the multicodec number.
In order to get to the 'meat' of the CID (the multihash content), we first must parse:
- the CID version varint;
- the multicodec varint;
- the multihash type enum varint;
- and the multihash length varint.
Since there are many applications where we want to jump straight to the multihash content (for example, when doing CAS sharding -- see the disclaimer about bias in leading bytes), this overhead may be interesting.
How much this overhead is significant is hard to say from microbenchmarking; it depends largely on usage patterns. If these traversals are a significant timesink, it would be an argument for Option D/E. If these traversals are not a significant timesink, we might be wiser to keep to Option B/F, because keeping a struct full of offsets will add several words of memory usage per CID, and we keep a lot of CIDs.
See BenchmarkCidMap_CidStr
and friends.
Long story short: using interfaces anywhere will cause the compiler to
implicitly generate boxing and unboxing code (e.g. runtime.convT2E
this is both another function call, and more concerningly, results in
large numbers of unbatchable memory allocations.
Numbers without context are dangerous, but if you need one: 33%. It's a big deal.
This means attempts to "use interfaces, but switch to concrete impls when performance is important" are a red herring: it doesn't work that way.
This is not a general inditement against using interfaces -- but if a situation is at the scale where it's become important to mind whether or not pointers are a performance impact, then that situation also is one where you have to think twice before using interfaces.
See TestSizeOf
Using the unsafe.Sizeof
feature to inspect what the Go runtime thinks,
we can see that type Foo string
and type Foo struct{x string}
precisely the same amount of memory.
This is interesting because it means we can choose between either type definition with no significant overhead anywhere we use it: thus, we can choose freely between Option B and Option F based on which we feel is more pleasant to work with.
Option F (a struct wrapper) means we can prevent casting into our Cid type.
Option B (typedef string) can be declared a const
Are there any other concerns that would separate the two choices?
We should switch completely to handling Cid
and remove *Cid
Regardless of whether we do this by migrating to interface, or string
implementations, or simply structs with no pointers... once we get there,
refactoring to any of the others can become a no-op from the perspective
of any downstream code that uses CIDs.
(This means all access via functions, never references to fields -- even if we were to use a struct implementation. Pretend there's a interface, in other words.)
There are probably gofix
incantations which can help us with this migration.