A child theme for the Base Hotel WordPress theme with performance optimizations.
- Custom styling for featured item titles using local Poly font
- Responsive design optimizations:
- Mobile-friendly slider title text sizing
- Adaptive cookie consent container layout
- GPU-accelerated animations and transitions
- Performance-focused CSS containment strategies
- Hardware-accelerated transformations
- Reduced paint areas and layout updates
- DNS prefetch and preconnect optimizations
- Local font serving with WOFF2 format
- Enhanced lazy loading capabilities
- Responsive image handling
- Resource optimization and deduplication
- Build system with asset optimization
- Local WOFF2 font files replace Google Fonts:
- Open Sans (weights: 300, 400, 500, 600, 700)
- Poly (weight: 400)
- Font-display: swap for optimal loading
- DNS prefetch and preconnect for external services:
- cdn-cookieyes.com
- directory.cookieyes.com
- log.cookieyes.com
- cdn.tiqets.com
- Builds upon WordPress core lazy loading functionality
- Respects native image lazy loading in WordPress 6.3+
- Focuses on elements not handled by core:
- iframe elements
- Elements with background-image CSS
- ACF image fields
- Template parts
- Widget areas
- Dynamically loaded content
- Skips lazy loading for above-the-fold content
- Compatible with WordPress core image performance enhancements
- See:
- WordPress 6.3 Image Performance Enhancements
- Native Lazy Loading in WordPress 5.5+
- Optimized slider background images for mobile devices
- Automatically serves smaller (750x400) images on mobile
- Reduces bandwidth usage and improves load times on mobile devices
- Removed duplicate Font Awesome CSS from WP Post and Blog Designer plugin
- Dequeued WordPress blocks CSS library to prevent unnecessary CSS loading
- Consolidated Font Awesome loading to prevent redundant requests
- Optimized Tiqets widget loading with lazy loading and script deduplication
- Implements lazy loading for Tiqets booking widgets
- Only loads Tiqets script when widgets come into viewport
- Prevents duplicate loader script inclusions
- Uses Intersection Observer for efficient viewport detection
- Adds preconnect for cdn.tiqets.com domain
- Performance-optimized consent container
- GPU-accelerated animations
- Reduced repaints and reflows
- Contained layout updates
- Responsive design optimizations
- Mobile-specific positioning and sizing
- Webpack-based build system for asset optimization
- Asset versioning with content hashes for cache busting
- SCSS compilation with modern CSS features
- JavaScript bundling and minification
- Font file optimization and management
- Manifest-based asset versioning
- Concatenation of CSS and JavaScript files
- Minification of CSS and JavaScript in production
- Source maps in development mode
- Automated font file handling with WOFF2 optimization
- Cache busting through content hash versioning
- Asset manifest generation for reliable file referencing
- Version: 1.5
- Parent Theme: Base Hotel
- Author: Imagewize (https://imagewize.com)
To use this child theme in a WordPress Multisite environment:
- Ensure the parent theme (
Base Hotel
) is installed and network-enabled. - Install and network-enable the child theme (
Base Hotel Child Theme
). - Activate the child theme on the desired site via
Network Admin
- Added WP-CLI for efficient WordPress management:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar chmod +x wp-cli.phar sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
- Configured proper permissions and aliases:
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/.wp-cli sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/.wp-cli echo 'alias wp="sudo -u www-data wp"' >> ~/.bashrc
- Enabled Apache modules for improved caching:
- mod_expires for browser caching control
- mod_headers for custom HTTP headers
a2enmod expires a2enmod headers systemctl restart apache2
- Suggested proper file permissions to be implemented by server admin:
sudo find /var/www/site.com/public_html -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; sudo find /var/www/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
- Directories: 775 (proper access while maintaining security)
- Files: 644 (readable but protected from unauthorized writes)