- Build the docker image from the Dockerfile in this repository.
# If you have a Linux machine, preface this command with "sudo"
docker build -t onnxruntime-ngraph -f Dockerfile.ngraph .
- Run the Docker image
# If you have a Linux machine, preface this command with "sudo"
docker run -it onnxruntime-ngraph
- Build the docker image from the Dockerfile in this repository
docker build -t {docker_image_name} -f Dockerfile.server .
- Run the ONNXRuntime server with the image created in step 1
docker run -v {localModelAbsoluteFolder}:{dockerModelAbsoluteFolder} -e MODEL_ABSOLUTE_PATH={dockerModelAbsolutePath} -p {your_local_port}:8001 {imageName}
- Send HTTP requests to the container running ONNX Runtime Server
Send HTTP requests to the docker container through the binding local port. Here is the full usage document.
curl -X POST -d "@request.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"{your_local_port}/v1/models/mymodel/versions/3:predict
- Build the docker image from the Dockerfile in this repository.
# If you have a Linux machine, preface this command with "sudo"
docker build -t onnxruntime-openvino -f Dockerfile.openvino .
To use GPU_FP32:
docker build -t onnxruntime-openvino --build-arg TARGET_DEVICE=GPU_FP32 -f Dockerfile.openvino .
- Run the Docker image
# If you have a Linux machine, preface this command with "sudo"
docker run -it onnxruntime-openvino