Tags: idlem1nd/consuldotnet
Fix NuGet push (G-Research#8) * Fix NuGet push (PowerShell would not do glob expansion for the command) * Add comments about NuGet publication in the workflow file * Change version to 1.6.1, as would be trimmed by NuGet
Fix version (G-Research#118) * Update appveyor.yml * Update Consul.csproj * New APIs ported: * Snapshot API. Requires >= Consul 0.7.1 to use. * Keyring API. Requires >= Consul 0.7.2 to use. * Agent Leave/Reload APIs. Requires >= Consul 0.7.2 to use. * Added `TLSSkipVerify` and `DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter` to the AgentServiceCheck class. Requires >= Consul 0.7.0 to use. * Added `Health.AggregatedStatus()` extension method to any `IEnumerable<HealthCheck>` to roll up a set of checks. Can be used with any version of Consul. * Renamed `CheckStatus` to `HealthStatus`. This affects the `AgentServiceCheck` and `AgentCheck` classes. * Changed the `Health.HealthCheck` `Status` field to be of type `HealthStatus` instead of `string`.