This is a script to quickly install arch linux for virtualbox. It adds the Vbox guest additions aswell.
To run this either copy it onto the install media using another pc with ssh and scp or rebuild the arch linux iso with this script located on it. Follow the Arch Wiki guide Remastering the iso. I can verify that it works.
This adds a exact copy but makes the files system btrfs instead of ext4 for better speed and snapshot support.
This works very nice with the virtualbox creatitition from terminal. Which I will also add to the repo.
This is not a full proof solution it is not indented for one. It is just a simple script for setting a Virtual Machine without having to go through the Arch Install. For a normal desktop I still recommend using the normal install.
I commented the format and drive command incase someone tries to run this on there own pc. PLEASE DO NOT!!