In this project, I have used OOPs concept in python to create a Flight Ticketing System.
This project contains three python files and three pkl file as follows:
- --> Before executing file, please execute file. This file works as a server side file used for allocation of seats in flight.
- --> This file is the main file of the project. This file works as a client side file. This program asks for all the neccessary information required to book a ticket.
- --> This is the file which contains all the classes defined in it that are required for the project to work. Here, I have defined classes like Generate(), Seat(), SeatBooking(), etc.
4.passengers_data.pkl --> This file contains the information about passengers whose tickets has been booked in the form and dictanory in which key is booking_id and value is information entered by person.
5.flight_seat.pkl --> This contains the information about total business rows and economy rows available in the flight.
6.available_seat.pkl --> This file contains the information about the vacant seats left for other passengers to booked the flight.
Snapshots of the final output: