This project aims to understand how to fetch data from an API into a database (SQL). The objective is to build a database describing the relationship between the number of football competitions and the number of covid positive cases in the country. So we want to know if the covid-19 pandemic is due to the matches where there are a lot of fans who come to watch football.
Therefore, we need to construct two tables:
CREATE TABLE Covid19(country_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, population INT, location VARCHAR(50), life_expectancy VARCHAR(10), positives INT NOT NULL, deaths INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (country_name)).
CREATE TABLE Competitions(league_id INT NOT NULL, country_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, league_name VARCHAR(50), currentMatchday INT, PRIMARY KEY (league_id, country_name), FOREIGN KEY (country_name) REFERENCES Covid19(country_name)).
- Covid-19:
- Competitions:
- Python version = 3.10.0.
- Make sure that you have SQL Server installed on your machine. If not, install it: Windows, Linux.
- Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt.
- Creat new database, new tables (Covid19, Competitions) and fetch data from API into the database:
python --newDatabase True --server "your server ip adresse" --user "your user name" --password "your password".
- To see more options:
python -h.
usage: [-h] [--newDatabase NEWDATABASE] [--newTable NEWTABLE] [--db_name DB_NAME] [--server SERVER] [--port PORT] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] Fetch data from API to SQL Server. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --newDatabase NEWDATABASE create new database or not? --newTable NEWTABLE create new table or not? --db_name DB_NAME database name. --server SERVER ip adresse of sql server. --port PORT port of sql server. --user USER user name. --password PASSWORD password of the sql server.
SQL Server Cannot drop database because it is currently in use:
Error 1807 Could not obtain Exclusive lock on database ‘model’. Retry the operation later(During Create database):