- Jupyter Notebook
- Apache Zeppelin notes
- See example in the
- See example in the
- JuPyteR notebooks
- See example in the
folder - Data notebooks
- See example in the
- nbdime: Jupyter Notebook Diff and Merge tools - command-line tools | nbdiffex - Jupyter notebook checkpoint differ extension
- Handy python notebook having Important #ml models code in one place
See Notebooks from NVIDIA's RAPIDS
- Deep Learning with Tensorflow 2.0 (MNIST)
- Python Data Science Handbook on Azure git repo
- Python for Data Analysis on Azure git repo
- Python Data Science Handbook
- House prices
- ML End-to-End Tutorial + Pandas notebook
- Regression example notebook
- Classification example notebook
- Some explanations of the above Regression & Classification examples: as a Notebook | as a PDF file
- Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command line tools
- Synthetic features and outliers notebook
- Do we know our data...
- NLP related notebooks
- Better NLP Notebooks:
- Jupyter
- Google Colab
- Bag of words notebook
- TFIDF notebook
## Neural Networks
- ML Notebooks: hands-on
- A gallery of interesting IPython Notebooks
- Dive into Machine Learning with Jupyter notebook, Python, and scikit-learn
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