When something doesn't work as expected, then please subscribe to the Saiku User Group list and send your doubt. If that doesn't solve your problem, then please ask for help on Saiku Dev Group.
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***Saiku allows business users to explore complex data sources, using a familiar drag and drop interface and easy to understand business terminology, all within a browser. Select the data you are interested in, look at it from different perspectives, drill into the detail. Once you have your answer, save your results, share them, export them to Excel or PDF, all straight from the browser. (more)
***Please consider supporting development by making a donation.
***mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn clean clover2:setup test clover2:aggregate clover2:clover
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- Saiku Dev Group
- Saiku User Group
Saiku Forums- Stack Overflow
- Freenode IRC - Channel: #saiku
Check CONTRIBUTING.md for more details. Some important information:
To get started, sign the Contributor License Agreement.
If you find a bug then please report it on Jira or our Support Forum.
If you have a feature request, then please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you! Either post to our forum or email: info@meteorite.bi
For detailed changelog, check Releases.
Saiku and the Saiku UI are free software. The UI, contained in this repository, is available under the terms of the Apache License Version 2. A copy is attached for your convenience.