▄▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ ▀ █▀▄ ▀ ▄▀▄ █▄░█ █░█ █▀█ ░▀▄ █ █░█ █ █▀█ █░▀█ ░▀░ ▀▀░ ▀▀░ ▀ ▀▀░ ▀ ▀░▀ ▀░░▀ v1.x | ʙʏ ᴛʀɪᴅɪᴀᴍᴏɴᴅ
A dark Hexo theme, it's responsive, simple but elegant.
git clone https://github.com/TriDiamond/hexo-theme-obsidian.git obsidian
Open Hexo
config file _config.yml
, set theme to obsidian
theme: obsidian
Open /themes/obsidian/_config.yml
can change the theme configs
Full detail config
#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
#! Since version `v1.3.5` code block highlight has changed from `highlight.js` to
#! `codemirror`, but the Hexo default highlight still need to be disabled to take affect.
#! !! So Please make sure you disabled Hexo's default highlight setting !!
#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
#! Rebuild files after you changed the config:
#! `hexo clean && hexo g`
#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
#! highlight:
#! enable: false
#! line_number: true
#! auto_detect: true
#! tab_replace:
#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Theme default settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Menu setting | format = title_name: link_url
PAGE: /page
# Page custom titles
categories: "Categories"
tags: "Tags"
archives: "Archived"
# Enable table of content
TOC: true
# Home page first post default cover image, default use cover
welcome_cover: /img/cover.jpg
# Article default cover image
cover: /img/welcome-cover.jpg
# Avatar
avatar: https://s2.ax1x.com/2019/09/19/nLtSiD.png
# Disable default scrollbar
scrollbar: true
# Website keywords used for SEO
keywords: TriDiamond Obsidian
# Website slogans
descriptionOne: "Think like an artist, develop like an artisan"
descriptionTwo: "艺术家思维去思考问题,工匠创造精神去开发"
# If you use google analytics, please fill in the ID
# Website favicon
favicon: /img/favicon.png
# rss file
rss: atom.xml
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Article Music settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Auto play article audio
autoplay: false
# default mp3 file
- statics/chengdu.mp3
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugins
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Gitalk comment plugin
# see https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk
enable: false
autoExpand: false
clientID: ''
clientSecret: ''
repo: ''
owner: ''
admin: ['']
# Ensure uniqueness and length less than 50
id: location.pathname
# Facebook-like distraction
# Valine comment plugin (recommended!)
# see https://valine.js.org/quickstart.html
enable: true
notify: false
verify: false
avatar: 'mp'
placeholder: 'Leave your throughs behind~'
visitor: true
# Enable symbols-count-time plugin
# see https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-symbols-count-time
enable: true
wordCount: true
readCount: true
awl: 4
wpm: 275
suffix: mins.
# Enable html truncate
# see https://github.com/TriDiamond/hexo-html-truncate
enable: true
# Characters kept for posts
postLength: 250
# Characters kept for cover posts
coverLength: 100
ellipsis: '...'
# Excluding html tags
excludes: ['img']
# Characters count including white spaces
keepWhitespaces: true
# Reserving the last complete word, without breaking the word
reserveLastWord: true
# Enable Busuanzi statistic plugin
# see http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi/
enable: true
# Enable social media sharing
# see https://github.com/overtrue/share.js/
enable: true
disabled: 'facebook,douban,linkedin,diandian,tencent,google'
# Use codemirror instead of highlight js for better colors
# if you want more language support check the modes list at official website
# modes see: https://codemirror.net/mode/
# see https://codemirror.net/
modes: ['javascript', 'css', 'xml', 'htmlmixed', 'clike', 'php', 'shell', 'python']
You can choose from using Valine or Gitalk
- If you are using
, you need to turn offbusuanzi
,because Valine has article view count support. - If you are using
, you may turn onbusuanzi
, to have article view count enable.
Since version
code block highlight has changed fromhighlight.js
, Hexo default highlight need to be disabled to take affect. !! So Please make sure you disabled Hexo's default highlight setting !!
Hexo configuration file _config.yml
located at the ROOT path of your blog.
⚠️ Please note do not make these changes in the theme's config file, changing configs in the theme config file_config.yml
will not work properly.
enable: false
line_number: true
auto_detect: true
Codemirror settings
# Use codemirror instead of highlight js for better color syntax
# if you want more language support check the modes list at official website
# modes see: https://codemirror.net/mode/
# see https://codemirror.net/
modes: ['javascript', 'css', 'xml', 'htmlmixed', 'clike', 'php', 'shell', 'python']
Rebuild files after you changed the config
hexo clean && hexo g
This post parameter changes how many characters are kept for the preview at home page.
title: My awesome title
date: 2019-07-14 18:38:45
- Category1
- Category2
- Tag1
- Tag2
mp3: http://domain.com/awesome.mp3
cover: http://domain.com/awesome.jpg
preview: 300
Post template settings
title: My awesome title
date: 2019-07-14 18:38:45
- Category1
- Category2
- Tag1
- Tag2
mp3: http://domain.com/awesome.mp3
cover: http://domain.com/awesome.jpg
Run Hexo command to generate categories page
hexo new page categories
Categories template
title: categories
date: 2019-07-14 12:39:04
type: "categories"
Theme will auto generate categories contents.
Run Hexo command to generate tags page
hexo new page tags
Tags page template
title: tags
date: 2014-12-22 12:39:04
type: "tags"
Theme will auto generate tags contents.
Please backup your
file before update
cd themes/osidian
git pull
Install by npm
$ npm install hexo-generator-search --save
Adding the plugin config in your root _config.yml
path: search.xml
field: post
content: true
Regenrate files
hexo clean && hexo g
I have made a Typro
theme Obsidian
especially for this blog theme.