Digital Signatures for WeasyPrint
WeasySign is a small library intended to be a high level (as in simple to use) library for digitally signing pdf's generated with the WeasyPrint PDF library.
WeasySign currently has adapters for using Self-Signed Certificates and using GlobalSign's DSS API.
This initial version is _very_ much a work made in a stream of consciousness as a reaction to Covid-19 forcing staff to work from home, making printing and hand-signing documents impractical. Therefore you should not expect the code to be neither elegant nor efficient quite yet. For example the is a mess of various functions that should probably be made into a better structure.
WeasySign was written by the Division of Information Technology at the University of Iceland (
- Free software: BSD licensed
- Python 3.5+
- WeasyPrint:
- Globalsign DSS API Documentation:
- Source code and issue tracker:
- A special thanks to the super elegant asn1crypto library:
WeasySign makes use of WeasyPrint's finisher hook. WeasyPrint allows users to pass a finishing function to Document.write_pdf() for post-processing of the PDF file.
from weasyprint import HTML
from weasysign import factory
document = HTML.render()
# To sign the pdf with a self-signed certificate:
signer = factory('selfsigned', cert='/bla/cert.crt', private_key='/bla/cert.key')
document.write_pdf(target='/tmp/my-self-signed-doc.pdf', finisher=signer)
# To sign the pdf using GlobalSigns DSS API:
subject_dn = {'subject_dn': {
"common_name": "Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, Inc.",
"organizational_unit": [
"Angela Martin",
signer = factory('globalsign', cfg_file='/bla/globalsign_config.ini', subject_dn=subject_dn)
document.write_pdf(target='/tmp/my-digitally-signed-doc.pdf', finisher=signer)
The configuration file for the GlobalSign signer is a simple .ini file:
certfile = /some/dir/signatures_globalsign.crt
keyfile = /some/dir/signatures_globalsign.key
keypass = Pam is the office mattress
url =
# The endpoint will be appended to the url:
endpoint = /v2
api_key = **********
api_secret = ************************
The private key password can alternatively be passed to the factory constructor:
signer = factory(
keypass="Pam is the office mattress",