Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas UNAM
- Mexico DF, Mexico
- http://www.gwolf.org/
gwolf / ip2host
Forked from mla/ip2hostResolve IPs to hostnames in web server logs
gwolf / gruff
Forked from topfunky/gruffGruff graphing library for Ruby
gwolf / ruby-ogginfo
Forked from moumar/ruby-ogginforuby-ogginfo gives you access to low level information on ogg files (bitrate, length, samplerate, encoder, etc… ), as well as tag. It is written in pure ruby.
GUI application to manage your Kindle's clippings (bookmarks, notes, highlights)
gwolf / xcompose
Forked from kragen/xcomposefor sharing .XCompose keybindings
ruby-ogginfo gives you access to low level information on ogg files (bitrate, length, samplerate, encoder, etc… ), as well as tag. It is written in pure ruby.
Github redirector for projects trying to track tags by seeing them as tarballs
Builds a Debian package for the requested Drupal project