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Automated management of ad campaigns in Google Display&Video 360.


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DV360 Triggerator

Decision engine for automated managing DV360 campaigns using signals from external data feeds.

This is not an officially supported Google product.


The idea behind this project is automating management of campaigns in Google Display&Video 360 (DV360) using data from external sources that we call data feeds (or just feeds). DV360 doesn't allow to change programmatically all settings of campaigns through API. This project takes an approach of generating ad campaigns up front with all possible combinations of Insertion Orders/Line Items/etc in a form of SDF (Structured Data Files) which should be imported into DV360 manually by the user. Later during runtime the execution engine takes a campaign created from generated SDF and enables/disables particular campaign's objects (IO/LI) for each row from feed(s). To decide which IOs/LIs should be enabled or disabled for each feed row the decision engine uses rules. A rule has a condition (expression in JavaScript) which is either evaluated to true or false. Enabling a IO/LI corresponding to a rule means that we apply bid, frequency and creatives that were assigned with that LI during the generation phase. With Triggerator scheduled to run periodically (it uses Cloud Scheduler for this) clients can dynamically adjust their ad campaigns based on external signals, such as weather, disease level, traffic, UV factor, inventory balances, etc. The tool supports both Display and TrueView (YouTube) campaigns.


Basically you can run this project in any environment but this guide targets Google Cloud deployment only. Free Tier is enough for this application and you won't exceed free tier quotes if you don't scale AppEngine instances.


git clone

or use this wizard: Try It In Google Cloud Shell (in this case we'll need to choose a project after the repository is cloned - gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT)

Whatever installation method you use you'll need to add your application service account ( to your DV360 account manually (Standard role should be enough). See details in Manage users in Display & Video 360.

Automated installation


NOTE: if you're running the setup script outside a Cloud Orginization most likely you'll get an error on step "Creating oauth brand (consent screen) for IAP" (see below). To workaround the error you'll have to create a OAuth consent screen manually and then enable IAP for App Engine app. Please see Manual Installation procedure for details.

"create-oauth-client": ERROR: (gcloud.alpha.iap.oauth-brands.list) INVALID_ARGUMENT: Request contains an invalid argument.

Go to scripts folder of the cloned repository (cd triggerator/scripts) and run ./ script in Cloud Shell.

Please note that currently works only on Linux (i.e. won't work on MacOS). You can run it from your local machine (just set your project gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID and login glcloud auth login as a project owner/editor), but it was not tested much. So running the script in Cloud Shell is the recommended approach.

Open the app (you can see the url by executing gcloud app browse). If you get 'You don't have access' error just wait a little bit and retry.

Unfortunetely there could be an error during deployement to App Engine right after creation and the install script can hit that issue. It looks like :

ERROR: ( NOT_FOUND: Unable to retrieve P4SA: [] from GAIA. Could be GAIA propagation delay or request from deleted apps.

In such a case if there was not any other errors you can just redeploy application. For this go to 'backend' folder (cd ../backend if you are in scripts folder) and run gcloud app deploy -q.

Customization support several command line arguments with which you can customize defaults:

  • -m | --masterdoc - A Google Spreadsheet Id to use as a master doc (it'll be created if omitted), do not forget to share it with AppEngine's service account
  • -l | --location - location region for App Engine applicatoin, please note that despite other GCP services GAE supports only two regions: europe-west and us-central. Default is europe-west
  • -t | --title - title for OAuth consent screen. Default is 'Triggerator'
  • -u | --user - user email to be shown as contact of OAuth consent screen. Default is the current user's email

Manual installation

  • Copy backend/app.yaml.copy to backend/app.yaml
  • Create a new spreadsheet - go
  • Rename default sheet 'Sheet1' to 'Main'
  • Share it with your project's default service account (
  • Copy its id from the url, for example for a spreadsheet id will be 12yocZ6MCFFwXFlBKCF9eeS80WiJk04SLuFQsX9s2xUE
  • Paste the id into backend/app.yaml file as value for MASTER_SPREADSHEET environment variable
  • Activate the following APIs:
    • Sheets API: gcloud services enable
    • Drive API: gcloud services enable
    • Display&Video API: gcloud services enable
    • Cloud Build API: gcloud services enable
    • Cloud Resource Manager API: gcloud services enable
    • IAP API: gcloud services enable
    • App Engine Admin API gcloud services
  • Create a new App Engine application (gcloud app create --region europe-west)
  • Build and deploy application by running script in scripts folder in Cloud Shell
    • If you get an error like ERROR: ( NOT_FOUND: Unable to retrieve P4SA just execute publish one more time - run gcloud app deploy in backend folder (in Cloud Shell)
  • Configure OAuth consent screeen by going to (for User type choose External).
  • Go to IAP ( and activate it for AppEngine
  • Add yourself (and any other user who needs access to the app) as members with role 'IAP-secured Web App User' (you can use Google Workspace (Suite previously) domains or Google Group)
  • Add your project's default service account as a user to your DV360 account
  • Open the app (you can see the url by executing gcloud app browse)
    • If you get 'You don't have access' error just wait a bit

Email notifications

You can setup sending email notifications on executions started by Cloud Scheduler. The server app uses Nodemailer for sending emails via SMTP. That means that you can use any mail service provider that supports SMTP. Please check this guide for details about any restrictions for outbound SMTP traffic in GCP. But if you use a standard port, such as 587, you're good.

Configuration for Nodemailer is taken from a json file which path is expected in environment variable MAILER_CONFIG_PATH. The path is resolved relatively to application root folder (a folder with package.json).

Each configuration for ad campaigns contain their own email(s) for notifications.

The following is an example for Mailgun:

in your app.yaml:

  MAILER_CONFIG_PATH: './mailer.json'

In mailer.json (besides app.yaml):

  "host": "",
  "port": 587,
  "auth": {
    "user": "postmaster@YOUR_DOMAIN",
    "pass": "YOUR_PASSWORD"
  "from": "no-reply@YOUR_DOMAIN"

Please note in Mailgun you can use Free plan but have to add a credit card and verify a domain.

In contrast in Sendgrid you don't have to add any credit card or verify a domain. You just need to validate an email.

  "host": "",
  "port": 587,
  "auth": {
    "user": "apikey",
    "pass": "YOUR_PASSWORD"


Basically you just need to update source code (execute git pull in the cloned repositoty folder), rebuild and redeploy (run in scripts folder). But before doing this please check for any breaking changes. Also please note that the only files you are supposed to changed (app.yaml, mailer.json) are not tracked by Git so you are safe to update from upstream. If it's not the case please proceed accordantly (e.g. do git stash git stash and git stash pop after the repository is updated). When you build the application from sources (and you do) there could be a case that package-lock.json will be slightly different that ones in the repository. This is not important but requires you to do reset (i.e. discard all local changes).

So in general these commands should be sifficient for updating the application (or just run script in scripts folder):

git fetch
git reset --hard origin/main
cd scripts

But if you are going to update your application from a different machine or by different person from within its Cloud Shell it won't work because your newly cloned repository doesn't have app.yaml of your application (that was generated/created during installation). And running again against a project with deployed application is not a good idea (you will lose your data). So what you need to do instead is to get app.yaml from place/person who did the initial installation. To simplify this process copies app.yaml to a GCS bucket called "$PROJECT_ID-setup" and takes it from there if there's no local app.yaml. So it's recommended to use for updating applications.

There is no published artifacts anywhere for the solution so currently there's no a strict notion of release. But since the v1 the project maintainers are tracking all significant changes (especially breaking ones if they happen) and features in and update version field in package.json files for backend and frontend.


The solution is a classic web application with front-end built in Angular (11+) and backend on NodeJS built with TypeScript and Express. The backend is supposed to be deployed to Google App Engine.

Backend app doesn't have any authentication, nor any user management. For this the solution solely relies on Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP). It's a Google Cloud service for shielding cloud apps with authentication.

Please note that IAP manages user access with its own roles. So even the project owner won't have access to a shielded app by default. To allow access for a user you need to go to IAP page in your GCP project - and add a member with 'IAP-secured Web App User' role. If you installed app with script it's already done for you, but you might need to add members for all other users. You can allow access for everyone by adding "allUsers" or "allAuthenticatedUsers" as a member with the IAP role, but obviously it's not recommended from security point of view.

Also you can create a member for a Google Workspace domain or a Google Group.

Another thing that makes the application to depend on Google Cloud services is the usage of Cloud Scheduler. Backend creates Cloud Scheduler jobs for automated engine execution. Please note that in that case when the backend is being called by Scheduler, requests are bypassing IAP.

Where is the data

The application does not use any database. Instead all data is kept in Google Spreadsheets. During installation you create a so-called master spreadsheet (its id is put into app.yaml as an environment variable available to the backend in runtime). Then when you create a new application (or configuration) effectively you create a new spreadsheet, which id is put into the master spreadsheet. That's it.

GAE environemnt, instance class, scaling and costs

There are two type of environment in GAE: standard and flexible. See As flexibile environment doesn't provide Free Tier we use standard. But you can manually change the environemnt in your app.yaml. Standard environment allows to scale down to 0 running instances when the application is not in use.

There are several types of scaling in standard environment. By default automatic scaling is used. Different scaling type have different characterictics. For this solution the most important one is request timeout. During main execution there will lots of calls to DV360 API (to enable/disable IO/LI) and the API is quite slow. So one execution can last quite long. Request timeouts are following:

  • Automatic scaling : 10 minutes
  • Basic/manual scaling: 24 hours

Usually 10 minutes is not enough. That because by default basic scalling is used and the template for app.yaml contains basic_scaling section:

runtime: nodejs14
  max_instances: 1

Why should you bother about scaling type? It's because that Free Tier provides different quotes for different scalling types (See all details here -

  • 28 hours per day of "F" instances
  • 9 hours per day of "B" instances

"F" instances means automatic scaling. "B" instances means basic (or manual) scaling.

So using one instance in standard environment with basic scaling you have 9 hours of execution to use free of change. After that you'll be billing - check pricing (at 2021 it's $0.05 per hour).

You always can change environemnt, scaling and instance class in your app.yaml, see detail here -


The only configuration the application supports is via environment variables (those can be specified only via app.yaml). If you need to change an environment variable you need to redeploy app.

Here's a list of supported environment variables:

  • MASTER_SPREADSHEET - identifier of master Google spreadsheet (generated by
  • SECURITY - security mode, for App Engine it's recommended 'IAP'
  • EXPECTED_AUDIENCE - expected audience for IAP to verify (generated by
  • MAILER_CONFIG_PATH - a path to json file with Nodemailer configuration - see Email notifications
  • LOG_LEVEL - minimum log level (usually 'info' or 'debug'), for production it's 'info' by default
  • GAE_LOCATION- optional, cloud location for Cloud Scheduler, by default it'll be the same as AppEngine location (either 'us-west1' and 'europe-west1')
  • GIT_COMMIT - a git hash commit from which the version was built, generated by
  • HEALTH_CHECK_URL - a health check endpoint for AppEngine, be default /_ah/health

Please note that an empty value for a variable in app.yaml becomes 'None' in runtime. So it's better to avoid adding empty variables.


If build (ng build) fails with 'Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported' error then try to execute:

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

and rerun.

Change history



Apache Version 2.0



This is not an officially supported Google product.

Copyright 2020-2022 Google LLC. This solution, including any related sample code or data, is made available on an “as is,” “as available,” and “with all faults” basis, solely for illustrative purposes, and without warranty or representation of any kind. This solution is experimental, unsupported and provided solely for your convenience. Your use of it is subject to your agreements with Google, as applicable, and may constitute a beta feature as defined under those agreements. To the extent that you make any data available to Google in connection with your use of the solution, you represent and warrant that you have all necessary and appropriate rights, consents and permissions to permit Google to use and process that data. By using any portion of this solution, you acknowledge, assume and accept all risks, known and unknown, associated with its usage, including with respect to your deployment of any portion of this solution in your systems, or usage in connection with your business, if at all.


Automated management of ad campaigns in Google Display&Video 360.



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