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README -- PeKing University CouPLer version 1 (PKUCPL) -- Yan Y.-Y. 2014/06/23 NOTE: Users can couple a global model with any numbers of nested models, see below *** Currently works with GEOS-5 met data (4x5, 2x2.5, 0.5x0.667) PKUCPL/: --------- - -> Bash script to compile the two-way coupled modeling - geos/ -> contains the executable 'geos' compiled for global model - geosch/ -> contains the executable 'geos' compiled for nested model in Asia - geosna/ -> contains the executable 'geos' compiled for nested model in North America - geoseu/ -> contains the executable 'geos' compiled for nested model in Europe - PKUCPL.f95 -> modulate the normal DO-Loop of GeosCore/main.F, to coordinate all models - -> provide utility to run models in the right directories *** Users can modify the run dir -- normally needs to be done once - run -> outputted from PKUCPL.f95 and, to modulate all models *** Users need to execute this file to finally activate the two-way coupled simulation Some examples: ./run 2cne codedir rundir: couple global model (2x2.5) with three nested models in Asia, North America and Europe ./run 2cn codedir rundir : couple global model (2x2.5) with three nested models in Asia and North America ./run 2c codedir rundir : couple global model (2x2.5) with three nested models in Asia ./run 2n codedir rundir : couple global model (2x2.5) with three nested models in North America ./run 2e codedir rundir : couple global model (2x2.5) with three nested models in Europe ./run 4cne codedir rundir: couple global model (4x5) with three nested models in Asia, North America and Europe ./run 4cn codedir rundir : couple global model (4x5) with three nested models in Asia and North America ./run 4c codedir rundir : couple global model (4x5) with three nested models in Asia ./run 4n codedir rundir : couple global model (4x5) with three nested models in North America ./run 4e codedir rundir : couple global model (4x5) with three nested models in Europe *** rundir is the run directory for two-way coupled simulation; codedir is the directory for code sources Additional code modification: ----------------------------- - GeosCore/main.F -> add the code of initialization, exchange, cleanup for two-way coupled model - GeosCore/exchange_mod.F -> new file: contain variables & routines for data exchange across all models, in a two-way framework - GeosCore/Makefile -> add code to compile exchange_mod.F - GeosUtil/time_mod.F -> add code to define the timestep for data exchange between models - -> add options to compile for two-way coupled model Example run dir: -------------- - run.v9-02.geos5.twoway/ -> master run directory, inside which there are: - 2x25/ -> run directory for global mdel - run_global -> batch job script to submit global model - CH/ -> run directory for nested model in Aisa - run_nested -> batch job script to submit nested CH model - NA/ -> run directory for nested model in North America - run_nested -> batch job script to submit nested NA model - EU/ -> run directory for nested model in Europe - run_nested -> batch job script to submit nested EU model - lock/ -> directory for ancillary files communicating run imformation between models Example files inside: done*done: to pause a model and wait for data update key*key : to continue a model after all necessary data update - exchange/ -> temporary directory to contain data for exchange between models Batch job script: --------------- - run_twoway -> batch job script to do two-way coupled simulation Setup steps: --------------- 1. set up the run directories * e.g., master run dir : /home/yanyy/geoschem/run/run.v9-02.geos5.twoway/ run for Global 2x2.5: /home/yanyy/geoschem/run/run.v9-02.geos5.twoway/2x25/ run for Asia nested : /home/yanyy/geoschem/run/run.v9-02.geos5.twoway/CH/ 2. set up the batch job script in run directories 3. go to PKUCPL/ in the code directory 4. make sure the run directories for individual models defined in are consistent with the setup at the 1st step * No need to change the variable 'rundir' in -- It will be automatically corrected later 5. compile for two-way coupled model: ./ * This step generates the executables for all global/nested models, and an additional executable 'run' as a coupling master 6. copy the executable 'run' and the batch job script 'run_twoway' to the master run directory 7. go to the master run directory, and submit the batch job script 'run_twoway' for two-way simulation: qsub run_twoway