I am a newbie in F# with strong Python background, trying to do some real-world projects to get a good feel of F#.
When I started learning F#, it wasn't a smooth experience. The reason I think are the scattered learning resources and there was no clear path to learn all the basic language constructs.
I have tried some sites suggested in and they are cluttered and assume that the learner is from C# ecosystem. The books are outdated(using VS and not .NET Core). Other modern languages have great documentation in its main website itself. It gears up the great learning feel.
For example
everything in one place up-to-date and serves as a reference whenever needed during the initial phases of learning curve.
Here I really like the docs of ReasonML which clearly have organized all the topics. I think many people have felt the same and off-putting to learn F#.
Is it possible to clearup the current documentation of the site? I will be more than happy to work on new pages and would translate from ReasonML for F#. But I am no expert in F# as I mentioned before.