This repository contains code for running various machine learning experiments on a dataset, with a focus on fault classification. The pipeline performs the following tasks:
- Preprocessing: Data scaling and feature selection
- Model Training: Several machine learning models including Random Forest, SVM, Naive Bayes, CNN, and ensemble methods (Stacking, Voting, and Bagging classifiers)
- Evaluation: Performance evaluation using accuracy score
- Visualization: Results visualization and model saving
- Logging: Logging the training process, results, and models
- Fault Type Mapping: Maps numerical fault types to descriptive labels for easier understanding.
- Custom Feature Selection: Feature selection using Mutual Information (MI) and Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE).
- Multiple Models: The pipeline supports multiple models like Random Forest, SVM, Naive Bayes, and CNN.
- Ensemble Learning: Includes methods like Stacking, Voting, and Bagging classifiers.
- Logging & Saving: Logs results and training logs to CSV and saves models.
The following Python libraries are required to run the code:
You can install the necessary dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt