This tutorial book is designed for individuals who are interested in learning (C++) programing language _
1- Getting started
- Understand the Computer Language
- C++ against other programming Languages
- Summary of C++
- Summary
2- Environment setup
3- Your first code
- Make your code more readable
- summary
4- Introduction to Variables
What is a variable ?
Variables naming conventions
Variable types (Data types)
Syntaxt of variable declaration
- Dealing with strings
- Dealing with multiple variables
- Print message on the screen
Variables scope
Global variables
Local variables
5- Dealing with user input
- Other variables
- Problem with space
- Update a variable
- Problem with space
- Constant variables
- Declare a constant
- Operators
- Assignment Operators (=)
- Basic arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, %)
- assignment operators
- Increment/ decrement operator
- Logical operator
- relational operator
- bitwise operator
- Ternary operator
- Summary
6- Decision making
- If condition
- if statement
- Nested if statement
- if...else statement
- if-else-if statement
- while loop
- do-while loop
- For loop
- Break and continue
- switch
- Summary
7- Functions
- FunctionsPassing parameters to a function
- Pass by value
- Pass by reference
- Default arguments
- Rules of default arguments
- Function overloading
- Overloading with different number of arguments
- Overloading with different return types
- Summary
8- Arrays
- Accessing element in an array
- Multidimensional arrays
- Summary
9- Pointers
- Pointer and array
- Pointer's address and value increment
- Summary
10- Introduction to OOP
- Class and objects
- Public access modifier
- Private access modifier
- Protected access modifier
- abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Summary
11- Conclusion