Enables AWS Config and adds managed config rules with good defaults.
This module comes with most of AWS managed Config Rules. All rules are disabled by default so you can only pick the rules that are relevant to you.
Some rules need extra parameters. Please refer to the table below to see a comprenhensive list of all inpur variables.
If you need a rule that is currently not included in this module please open a PR.
module "aws_config" {
source = "trussworks/aws/config"
config_logs_bucket = "my-aws-logs"
cloudtrail_enabled = 1
required_tags = 1
required_tag_key_1 = "Owner"
required_tag_key_2 = "Env"
required_tag_values_2 = "Dev,QA,Prod"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
acm_certificate_expiration_check | MANAGEMENT ACM Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
acm_days_to_expiration | For acm_days_to_expiration rule. Specify the number of days before the rule flags the ACM Certificate as noncompliant. |
string | 14 |
no |
autoscaling_group_elb_healthcheck_required | AVAILABILITY EC2 Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
cloudtrail_enabled | MANAGEMENT CLOUDTRAIL Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
config_delivery_frequency | The frequency with which AWS Config delivers configuration snapshots. | string | Six_Hours |
no |
config_logs_bucket | The S3 bucket for AWS Config logs. | string | - | yes |
config_logs_prefix | The S3 prefix for AWS Config logs. | string | config |
no |
config_max_execution_frequency | The maximum frequency with which AWS Config runs evaluations for a rule. | string | TwentyFour_Hours |
no |
desired_instance_type | MANAGEMENT EC2 Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
desired_instance_types | For desired_instance_types rule. Comma-separated list of EC2 instance types (for example, "t2.small, m4.large, i2.xlarge"). |
string | `` | no |
ebs_optimized_instance | PERFORMANCE EC2 EBS Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
ec2_applications_required_platform_type | For ec2_managedinstance_applications_required rule. The platform type (for example, "Linux" or "Windows"). |
string | `` | no |
ec2_applications_required_required_application_names | For ec2_managedinstance_applications_required rule. Comma-separated list of application names. Optionally, specify versions appended with ":" (for example, "Chrome:0.5.3, FireFox"). |
string | `` | no |
ec2_instance_detailed_monitoring_enabled | MANAGEMENT EC2 Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
ec2_managedinstance_applications_required | MANAGEMENT EC2 Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
ec2_managedinstance_platform_check | MANAGEMENT EC2 Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
ec2_platform_check_agent_version | For ec2_platform_check_platform_type rule. The version of the agent (for example, "2.0.433.0"). |
string | `` | no |
ec2_platform_check_platform_type | For ec2_platform_check_platform_type rule. The platform type (for example, "Linux" or "Windows"). |
string | `` | no |
ec2_platform_check_platform_version | For ec2_platform_check_platform_type rule. The version of the platform (for example, "2016.09"). |
string | `` | no |
ec2_volume_inuse_check | COST EC2 EBS Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
eip_attached | COST EC2 VPC Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
elb_acm_certificate_required | SECURITY EC2 ELB Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
encrypted_volumes | SECURITY EC2 EBS Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
iam_group_has_users_check | SECURITY MANAGEMENT IAM Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
iam_password_policy | SECURITY IAM Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
iam_user_group_membership_check | SECURITY MANAGEMENT IAM Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
iam_user_no_policies_check | SECURITY MANAGEMENT IAM Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
instances_in_vpc | SECURITY EC2 VPC Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
password_max_age_days | For iam_password_policy rule. Number of days before password expiration. |
string | 90 |
no |
password_min_length | For iam_password_policy rule. Password minimum length. |
string | 14 |
no |
password_require_lowercase | For iam_password_policy rule. Require at least one lowercase character in password. |
string | true |
no |
password_require_numbers | For iam_password_policy rule. Require at least one number in password. |
string | true |
no |
password_require_symbols | For iam_password_policy rule. Require at least one symbol in password. |
string | true |
no |
password_require_uppercase | For iam_password_policy rule. Require at least one uppercase character in password. |
string | true |
no |
password_reuse_prevention | For iam_password_policy rule. For iam_password_policy rule. Number of passwords before allowing reuse. |
string | 24 |
no |
rds_multi_az_support | AVAILABILITY RDS Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
required_tag_key_1 | For required_tags rule. Required Tag 1 |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_key_2 | For required_tags rule. Required Tag 2 |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_key_3 | For required_tags rule. Required Tag 3 |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_key_4 | For required_tags rule. Required Tag 4 |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_key_5 | For required_tags rule. Required Tag 5 |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_key_6 | For required_tags rule. Required Tag 6 |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_values_1 | For required_tags rule. Values that required Tag 1 accepts (ie. "Prod,QA,Dev") |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_values_2 | For required_tags rule. Values that required Tag 2 accepts (ie. "Prod,QA,Dev") |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_values_3 | For required_tags rule. Values that required Tag 3 accepts (ie. "Prod,QA,Dev") |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_values_4 | For required_tags rule. Values that required Tag 4 accepts (ie. "Prod,QA,Dev") |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_values_5 | For required_tags rule. Values that required Tag 5 accepts (ie. "Prod,QA,Dev") |
string | `` | no |
required_tag_values_6 | For required_tags rule. Values that required Tag 6 accepts (ie. "Prod,QA,Dev") |
string | `` | no |
required_tags | MANAGEMENT COST Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
restricted_ssh | SECURITY EC2 SSH Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
root_account_mfa_enabled | SECURITY IAM Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
s3_bucket_public_read_prohibited | SECURITY S3 Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
s3_bucket_public_write_prohibited | SECURITY S3 Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |
s3_bucket_ssl_requests_only | SECURITY S3 Enable this rule. |
string | 0 |
no |