The Commissioner Jules Maigret is a fictional French police detective, created by Georges Simenon. His investigation method is based on understanding the personality of different people and their interactions.
Purpose of Maigret - collect a dossier on a person by username only, checking for accounts on a huge number of sites.
This is a sherlock fork with cool features under heavy development. Don't forget to regularly update source code from repo.
Currently supported >600 sites, the list grows every day.
- Profile pages parsing, extracting personal info, links to other profiles, etc.
- Recursive search by new usernames found
- Search by tags (site categories, countries)
- Censorship and captcha detection
- Very few false positives
NOTE: Python 3.6 or higher and pip is required.
# clone the repo and change directory
$ git clone && cd maigret
# install the requirements
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 maigret --ids --print-found --skip-errors alexaimephotographycars
MIT © Maigret
MIT © Sherlock Project
Original Creator of Sherlock Project - Siddharth Dushantha